Sunday 4 April 2021

What's Cooking At The Madhouse ? menu plan week 14

Last week, the president announced that schools in France would shut for a month as from Monday. There's a two week holiday in there though, so it's only two weeks of online classes to deal with. We won't be able to do much during the holidays, but it'll give me a chance to rest and sort out the house (again !). We're all getting bored of eating the same kinds of meals every week, so I need to start looking up some new recipes or maybe digging out some old favourites.


lunch- leftovers pie (roast chicken, roast potatoes & veg) with mash

dinner -  flammenkuechen (like very thin pizzas with crème fraîche and bacon) & garlic bread (to use up some stale bread)


lunch- gratin dauphinois (creamy potato bake), baked ham & ratatouille

dinner- pork chops, rice & veg


lunch- chicken fajitas with rice, salsa & guacamole

dinner- cottage pie


lunch - leftovers

dinner- spaghetti bolognese


lunch- chicken burgers, wedges & veg

dinner - lasagne


lunch- quiche lorraine & salad

dinner- I'm thinking we'll fancy a takeaway - maybe kebabs or we have recently discovered a new chippy that might be worth a try


lunch- chicken curry & rice

dinner- leftovers or toast

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***



  1. What a worry that France is shutting down again, at least it gives you chance to rest and sort your house out.
    I love the sound of the flammenkuechen. I just Googled what it was. Yum, yum.
    Great meal plan x

  2. Ooh you can't beat a nice chippy can you! I could just go for a chippy tea right now. I hope the month passes by uneventfully for you x

  3. Quite a few of our favourites too - another brill menu

  4. I didn't realise you have chippies in France, excuse my ignorance. We have an occasional takeaway, either pizza or McDonald's which is obviously the boys' choice rather than mine, though it does save me cooking and washing up. :) It's worrying that the schools are closed again, hopefully you'll have the jobs in the house sorted out. How was your Easter?

    1. We don't have chippies the same as in England. Ours sell lots of things in baguettes topped with fries (sausages, burgers, chicken, etc) and even more common are kebab shops that also serve chicken and various other bits and bobs (burgers, tacos, which are nothing like "British"/Mexican tacos - they're more like toasted cheese sandwiches made in tortilla wraps with all sorts of meat and chips and sauces inside). But this new restaurant is more like a traditional chippy as it serves more chips with things on the side (sausages, chicken, etc). Easter was very quiet - I was lesson planning/uploading work for this week. I only got one egg each for the kids, haven't had time to get any more ! But I'll make it up next week !
