Thursday 19 August 2021

HEXBUG Junkbots review

HEXBUG have launched a new project that merges toys with entertainment through a new eight-part digital series and game on the Roblox platform based on Junkbots. (More about that at the end of the review.) The series and Roblox game will follow a new adventure that all kicked off when Junkbot Jack Static received a cryptic radio transmission. To celebrate the launch, Pierre was delighted to receive a package containing lots of Junkbots, as well as some sweets and popcorn to accompany our movie night.

We started off with the smallest product in the range, the Junkbots Trash Bin (RRP £4.99). This cool bin-shaped box contains 15 pieces of rubbish to dig through.

Here's what we got inside this trash can. The little black bin bags have extra secret pieces of rubbish to open up and discover. The grown-ups in the family instantly picked up the little pieces of paper, unfolded them and tried to find the pieces necessary to recreate the character shown. Pierre just jumped in and started fitting random pieces together. Well, he got on better than we did, so I think he had the right idea - or we were just useless ! - but either way, he loved developing new characters and seeing what he could slot together.

We moved on to the bigger Junkbots Industrial Dumpster (RRP £19.99), which is the biggest box in the range. It contains a whopping 50 pieces to discover and get creative with.

As well as lots more intriguing black bags to investigate, this pack includes special elements to allow you to animate your bots with a motor or dynamic vibrations or add a light-up cover.

Pierre emptied out the final product - the Junkbots Dumpster (RRP £9.99), which is the twin-pack, top left in the top picture. This contains 30 pieces, plus an energy module, allowing you to build two different Junkbot figures (or just get creative, as we did). Time to let your imagination run wild and fit pieces together !

There are all sorts of interesting things in there, including a chainsaw, a birdhouse, a cowboy hat, a broken tennis racket, plus lots of interesting product packaging to discover.

Here's one of the Junkbots (minus the arms !) that Pierre put together following the character sheets.

And here's another character that he completely made up. I love the concept of creative play, just letting the kids loose on all the interesting little bits to see what they can find and how they can fit together. It is the perfect toy for one child to play with on his own or two or more siblings or friends to work on together. I will be honest - we totally missed the energy/movement modules, so we'll have to look out for those the next time we get it all out !

Head over to HEXBUG Official on YouTube to start watching the series and join in the fun with the launch of the Roblox game on 20th August.

Instagram and Twitter : @HEXBUGUK
Facebook : Hexbug UK

Disclosure : We received the products in order to write a review.


  1. Ahh! I have seen these but had no idea they had anything to do with Roblox. I've just asked my youngest about them and she thinks I'm an idiot for not knowing. lol
    These look like lots of fun.

    1. Hehehe kids !! I had no idea they had anything to do with Roblox either, until we reviewed them ! ;-)

  2. I haven't spotted these sets yet. I wonder if my DS would like them, he used to enjoy Roblox a lot. Creative element is great!

    1. They're great for whiling away a few minutes (or hours !) and keeping kids off their screens for a while !
