Monday 11 October 2021

What's Cooking At The Madhouse ? menu plan week 42

It's been a busy week and this next week is no better. We had a parent-teacher morning on Saturday which stopped me getting my late morning lie-in (boo !) and I feel like I've been trying to catch up ever since. On Wednesday morning, I have to go in on my day off (another lie-in that I won't get - I'm fed up of 6.15am alarms !) to supervise a cross-country run. Hopefully it won't rain as I have to go to a work lunch straight after. The next day, I'm signed up for two training days so in the morning, I have a meeting/workshop about the Norway critical thinking collaboration, then in the afternoon, I have to catch up on the bullying workshop that I missed in the morning and join in on the afternoon session. As if that's not enough, I have Pierre's parent-teacher evening after work. I can tell I'll be a zombie by the end of the week so I need some simple dinners this week !


lunch- canteen for me (leftovers for the kids)

dinner - creamy pork with rice


lunch- canteen for me

dinner- chicken, red pepper & tomato pasta bake


lunch- lunch with the Norway team

dinner- baked ham with mac & cheese (didn't get made last week)


lunch - quick lunch somewhere between meetings (sandwich?)

dinner- quick meal needed after parent-teacher evening - pasta carbonara should do it


lunch- leftovers or a Sophie special (I'm guessing cherry tomato and cheese pasta)

dinner - beefburgers, couscous & ratatouille


lunch- McDonald's or equivalent

dinner- pizza or tartiflette (stinky baked cheese on baked potatoes and onions) - the kids can choose


lunch- roast dinner

dinner- bacon sandwiches or leftovers

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***



  1. Sorry you have to give up later mornings. 6am every day is exhausting. Hope you can catch up on lie-ins next week. Fingers crossed, it doesn't rain when you need to monitor the cross-country run.

    1. I'm used to it so it just seems normal now, but thinking about it, that would explain why I am dead to the world by 7pm some nights ! lol

  2. Oh no! That is rubbish that you're not getting a lie in. I hope you get some rest soon.
    Great meal plan for a busy week x

  3. Baked ham with mac & cheese sounds delicious! So tasty! Have a great week and thanks for linking up x

  4. I love tartiflette, I have never made it but I have had it in France, and also at the local proper French bistro near us. Sadly my dairy free family can't eat it so it's a rare treat. Sounds like a lovely week of meals

    1. They do do a dairy-free reblochon cheese equivalent but I'm guessing it doesn't taste as good !
