Sunday 26 December 2021

What's Cooking At The Madhouse ? menu plan week 52

So we made it through Christmas and now we're ready to hit the New Year. Not quite sure what the New Year will bring though as there are some people (scientists) who want to keep kids off a bit longer, while others (politicians) are saying they don't want to prolong the holidays. We'll see ! I'm guessing I'll get a message from our headmistress some time this week so we know what we're doing. Either way, me and Sophie have our third jabs in the first week of January. I'm using up lots of odds and ends from the fridge and freezer and the page numbers relate to the November Sainsbury's Magazine and various other foodie magazine pages that I sat down and worked through. We did a big shop of frozen stuff just before Christmas so we have lots of exciting things to eat for New Year too.


lunch- Mediterranean chicken (seasoning sachet in the cupboard) with rice (& red pepper, courgette, onion in the dish)

dinner - Scalloped potatoes (p90) with added bacon and a side salad


lunch- enchiladas

dinner- Beef & ale stew with rice (or leftover scalloped potatoes)


lunch- Probably leftovers from last night

dinner- meatloaf with pasta (& tomato sauce?)


lunch - Juliette had the idea of heading to a restaurant - well, why not ?! Maybe Buffalo Grill (US classics)

dinner- If anyone's hungry, there should be plenty of leftovers to use up

Friday - New Year's Eve

lunch- hasselback potatoes with steak or beefburgers and coleslaw (yep, Pierre and Sophie will opt for beefburgers, given the choice ! Blooming nutters !)

dinner - we have more nibbly bits in the freezer, followed by ice cream yule log

Saturday - New Year's Day 

lunch- bacon and egg fried rice (for me and Sophie - the others will probably prefer leftovers)

dinner- pork & chorizo stew


lunch- Gremolata smashties (p89 - think extra crispy crushed roast potatoes) with leftover stew if there is some, if not I'll see what meat is in the freezer)

dinner- leftovers or sandwiches or leftover nibbly bits from the freezer

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***


  1. I am very nervous about the prospect of home schooling again. I really hope that doesn't happen.
    It sounds like you have a great plan for the week. We're still eating leftovers at the moment and will be for a couple of days yet.
    I hope you had a great Christmas and wishing you all the best for the new year x

  2. I wonder if we'd have to go back to homeschooling. While I wouldn't mind Eddie staying at home longer, I'd worry about my big boy, who will feel lost, staying at home again. Lol @ burgers for the new year's eve, Eddie would be happy with that too, and preferably from McDonalds. Or a Subway marinara sandwich. :) Wishing you a lovely New Year's eve!
