Sunday 8 May 2022

What's Cooking At The Madhouse ? menu plan week 19

Another calm week - two in a row, which is pretty unbelievable! I'm sure it won't last but I'm making the most of it while I can. I found another roofer to sort out our damaged roof - the insurance refused the first quote as too expensive, but this second one said that the price quoted sounded reasonable to him and he's not sure he'll be able to do better. We'll see what happens. They'll be using a drone to check out the roof and see what needs doing - how cool is that ?! I've just been shopping at Lidl and they have all their summer BBQ products in store so I've stocked up on various seasoned chicken skewers and pork chops. They take all the effort out of cooking as they just need to be slapped under the grill ! So, here's what we'll be eating this week. It's supposed to be really hot so I'm thinking salad will go down well this week. I bet it rains all week now !


lunch- I'm at the canteen - probably leftovers for the kids

dinner - Provençal chicken with pasta and salad


lunch- canteen for me - leftovers for the kids

dinner- Cajun chicken & rice (with peppers, onions & tomatoes)


lunch-  leftovers or chicken burgers, couscous & beetroot salad

dinner- tacos (with mince this week, I think)


lunch - meal with a friend for me & Sophie, leftovers for Pierre, canteen for Juliette

dinner- Mexican pork chops with rice & salad


lunch- Sophie can sort out something as I'll be home later (or there may be leftovers to use up)

dinner - creamy chicken & bacon with pasta


lunch- steak & ale pie with mash & veg

dinner- we haven't had Deliveroo for a while so I'll see what the kids fancy


lunch- roast chicken, roast potatoes, veg & gravy

dinner- pasta with Italian spices & leftover chicken/onions/peppers/mushrooms

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***

Linking up with the Menu Plan Roundup over at Cats, Kids, Chaos

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for another calm week. Enjoy it while it lasts. That is cool that the roofer is using a drone to see the damage on the roof. I am loving seeing all the BBQ food in the supermarkets. Great meal plan.
