Sunday 3 July 2022

What's Cooking At The Madhouse ? menu plan week 27

Into our last week at school ! Monday is a normal day (but hardly any pupils will come as they usually count the three days off when the school is closed for exams as the end of term), Tuesday we are taking anyone who does come to the start of the Tour de France (which is passing through Dunkirk for the first time in about fifteen years), Wednesday and Thursday morning are meetings and Thursday lunchtime is the end-of-year BBQ ... then that's it ! Sophie's covid has gone - she didn't even have any symptoms luckily - and the girls are off to see concerts in Paris and Antwerp. Another busy week but I'm getting into the summer holiday way of thinking ... bring it on !


lunch- canteen for me - leftovers for Pierre

dinner - chilli con carne and rice


lunch- I need a packed lunch to eat at the beach with the kids from school - Pierre can go fridge or freezer-diving (there should be leftovers)

dinner- smoked sausages, mash and beans


lunch- chipolatas with rice & veg

dinner- spaghetti carbonara


lunch - end-of-term BBQ for me, not sure if the girls will be home or just Pierre but there should be stuff in the fridge

dinner- tacos


lunch- bacon sandwiches

dinner -  grilled ham with baked potato and coleslaw


lunch- beefburgers (or hamburgers if I pick up some buns) with chips and coleslaw

dinner- nibbly bits from the freezer : Chinese chicken/veg snacks, pork banh bao, mini spring rolls, whatever else I picked up during Oriental week at the supermarket a few weeks ago !


lunch- roast chicken, roast potatoes, veg & gravy

dinner- pork/beef meatballs with pasta or maybe just leftovers/fridge grazing if nobody's hungry

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***

Linking up with the Menu Plan Roundup over at Cats, Kids, Chaos


  1. Last week of school, yay! We have longer to wait until the summer holidays. How exciting to get Tour de France in town. Glad to hear that Sophie's covid was light, without symptoms.

  2. It sounds like a great last week at school. How fantastic to be seeing the start of the Tour de France. I am glad Sophie is Covid free, just in time for the concerts.
    Great meal plan. Enjoy the end of term BBQ and I love the sound of Saturdays dinner. Oriental week sounds like fun. x
