Sunday 4 December 2022

What's Cooking At The Madhouse ? menu plan week 49

Last week was the start of the conseils de classe - the end-of-term meetings for each class, with all the teachers, parents and pupil reps and the head or deputy head each time, to look at abilities, efforts provided and discipline problems. As always happens, I get home late, the kids are hungry and food ends up being whatever the quickest option is. The Laughing Cow stuffed chicken, therefore, turned into chopped chicken in a Laughing Cow and cream sauce, but it was a huge success and so simple to make. Sophie came home for the weekend so we went off plan again, as she cooked some fabulous chicken, mozzarella and guacamole bagel burgers and convinced us to opt for Deliveroo. This week is another one packed with after-school meetings so we'll probably need quick meal ideas.


lunch- canteen for me, fridge diving for those at home

dinner - Provençal chicken, rice and ratatouille


lunch- canteen for me, fridge diving for those at home

dinner- paprika chicken with pasta & green beans


lunch- leftovers

dinner- pork satay stir fry with noodles


lunch - lunch with a couple of friends for me, fridge diving for whoever is at home

dinner- Mexican chicken with rice


lunch- canteen for me, fridge diving for those at home

dinner - pasta carbonara


lunch- leftovers

dinner- I'll put Deliveroo on the plan as I usually end up getting my arm twisted !!


lunch-  tartiflette (stinky reblochon cheese, bacon and onions over baked potatoes)

dinner- leftovers or toast

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***

1 comment:

  1. Good luck, I hope your week goes well with the meetings. It sounds like you have some great meals planned. x


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