Sunday 4 June 2023

What's Cooking At The Madhouse ? menu plan week 22

It's all go here at the moment. Last week, Sophie and Juliette were off in Paris for two days watching Harry Styles in concert. This week, Pierre has a day in London on a school trip. You can tell the end of the school year will soon be upon us ! While everyone is busy having fun days out, I'm catching up with end-of-term reports and class meetings. Definitely not fair ! Into the final month though so there are no complaints from me, all the same. Here's what we're eating this week.


lunch- canteen for me, fridge grazing for the kids

dinner - chicken burgers in buns with chips


lunch- canteen for me, fridge grazing for the kids

dinner- ham & cheese omelettes


lunch- fishfingers, mash & beans

dinner- pork curry with rice


lunch lunch with friends for me, fridge grazing for the kids

dinner- creamy pork and mushrooms with pasta


lunch-  canteen for me, fridge grazing for the kids

dinner - meatballs with risotto and tomato sauce


lunch- twice baked potatoes with cheese/onions/bacon/mushrooms/beans

dinner- takeaway or deliveroo


lunch- roast dinner

dinner- leftovers or cheese on toast

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow! I hope Sophie and Juliette have a fab time seeing Harry Styles. How exciting. I hope all your work goes well.
    Great meal plan! You can beat Fishfingers, mash and beans. x
