Sunday 17 March 2024

What's Cooking At The Madhouse ? menu plan week 12

Back to work/school last week. It seems longer than a week since we were on holiday ! There are a couple of busy weeks coming up as we have the conseils de classe (end-of-term after-school meetings for each class to discuss the marks and behaviour of each pupil) then the next week, the parent-teacher evenings. At least it gets dark later now - in the winter time, this means coming home in the pitch black. I've changed my shopping habits this week and put in an order with a home delivery supermarket company. We'll see how it works out but it could turn into a regular thing as it didn't work out any more expensive than usual. Have a great week. Here's what we'll be eating this week.


lunch- spicy pork, onions and mushrooms with pasta

dinner - chicken curry, rice and naan bread


lunch- fricadelles (spicy sausages) with mash and peas/carrots

dinner-  spaghetti carbonara


lunch- spaghetti bolognese

dinner- pepperoni pizza


lunch- canteen for me, leftovers for Pierre

dinner- General Tso's meatballs and noodles (requested to be made again by Pierre !)


lunch- chicken cordon bleu with baby potatoes and ratatouille

dinner - mince and onions puff with rice and peas/carrots


lunch- meatballs in tomato sauce with pasta

dinner- pork chops with mushroom sauce and baked potatoes


lunch-chicken, chickpeas, courgettes, onions in spicy tomato sauce with couscous

dinner - chicken soup

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***

1 comment:

  1. Your blog has become a trusted advisor in various aspects of my life.
