Sunday 30 June 2024

What's Cooking At The Madhouse ? menu plan week 27

Into the final week of school. Monday and Tuesday is exam invigilating (and Pierre is doing his exams), Wednesday is a meeting, Thursday is the final day of classes so the few kids who do show up will be put in groups for a day of activities and Friday morning is the final meeting. Then we're into seven weeks of holidays. Time to chill out and have a big dejunk in the house. I have no other plans at the moment, apart from getting ready for our summer holiday which, this year, is a cruise around Iceland. Hopefully the volcanoes will stay quiet ! We get a couple of trips in Scotland on the way there and back too. Juliette is heading off to Prague with her boyfriend before that and is excitedly making lists of things to visit - I'm sure they'll have a fab time too. Can't wait to count the days off this week ! Here's our menu plan for the week. I'm dipping into the book What's For Dinner? by Romilla Arber this week.


lunch- I'll be stuck at school, Pierre will have to fend for himself

dinner - chicken fricassée with buttered rice and diced courgettes (p326)


lunch- I'll be at school again so Pierre is on lunch duty at home

dinner- cheese & potato tart with salad/tomatoes/cucumber (p331)


lunch- Bistro salad (with sausages, new potatoes, cornichons and lettuce) (p369)

dinner- Hungarian lamb stew with macaroni & carrots (p345)


lunch- picnic at the beach with school for me, Pierre can go fridge/freezer diving

dinner- Grilled pork chops à la charcutière with sautéed potatoes (p388)


lunch- end-of-term farewell drinks and nibbles, Pierre can go fridge diving

dinner - Italian roast pork and roast potatoes with cannellini beans (p395)


lunch- spiced chicken & boiled rice (p400)

dinner- macaroni cheese with sausage & salad (p404)


lunch- leftovers

dinner - meat & potato pie with runner beans (p438)

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***

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