Review policy/Disclosure

I've always had a small bit of Disclosure in my sidebar saying that most of the products reviewed on this blog have been received for free. All products are thoroughly tested and I try to present a balanced review every time, pointing out the good points but also the things that we felt could be improved. Receiving a product for free in no way influences what I write and I am frequently told by PR-people and company owners that they appreciate my honest feedback. Which is just as well because that will never change !

Sometimes, I will see a product that looks fabulous - often baby or pregnancy-related - which I think may be of interest to you but that I can't actually test personally. For those products, I will tell you what it says in the press release, but this is always indicated. Very rarely - often with ebuzzing - I will be offered a sponsored post. Again, this is clearly indicated and again, this in no way affects what I write.

If you would like me to review your product, or host a giveaway, please don't hesitate to get in touch. I'm also happy to review books but will require a hard copy, not an e-copy. I can be contacted by email (, on twitter (@cherylp59) or on facebook (

You will have noticed on my "About me" page that we live in Northern France, but I can give you a UK delivery address for any review samples (courtesy of my parents !). Anything delivered to the UK will be received within a few weeks at most, but if you require a faster turnaround, I can give you my French address too. If your product is available in France and you would also like me to feature it on my French blog, please don't hesitate to ask.

Any other requests, just ask !

Cookies : All websites, including blogs, are now obliged to tell you which cookies are running on them. Unfortunately, I'm no technical genius so I don't really know ! I don't collect any data whatsoever, but some third party applications do gather user data, such as statcounter, google analytics, etc
Most browsers allow you to refuse cookies though.
  • In Internet Explorer, you can refuse all cookies by clicking “Tools”, “Internet Options”, “Privacy”, and selecting “Block all cookies” using the sliding selector.
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