Tuesday 7 September 2010

MamaBabyBliss Bliss Stick Uplifting Oil

The summer holidays have drawn to a close so the mornings have started to be very hectic again, what with three kids to get ready to send off to the childminder's/school before I rush off to work, usually with the remains of breakfast clutched in my hand to finish at the bus stop ! Then it all starts again at the other end of the day, racing back from work to get there when the school gates open then a quick trip to the park, bath time, food time and bed time, before they all get too tired and whiney ! Some days it works, others ... let's just say tempers start to fray by teatime ! And I still have all my marking and lesson planning to do once they're all tucked up in bed. Aaaaaggghhh !

On those days when things are just all getting a bit too much for you, sometimes you need something to help you calm down and ditch the stress. Throw a crying baby and sleepless nights into the mix, with or without the baby blues, and the chances are you're feeling pretty down as well as generally frazzled.

As MamaBabyBliss explain on their website, "Being a new mum can be pretty relentless as we grapple with tiredness and fluctuating hormones. Designed to pop in your handbag this little bottle of pulse-point oil contains a subtle blend of mood-enhancing essential oils including lime, geranium and bergamot that help energise and relieve a tired mind and are great for lifting the spirits! Just dab a little on your wrists for an instant pick-me-up !"

I have to say, I was slightly sceptical when I was offered the opportunity to try out the Bliss Stick. I like the idea but surely sniffing a fragranced oil can't be that effective, can it ? I know that studies have shown the power that scents can have on people's moods, such as people selling their houses baking bread and brewing fresh coffee just before a visit from a potential buyer or department stores wafting out certain fragrances that will get you in the mood for buying certain things, but could it really help combat stress and depression ?

The claims are impressive. Lime oil is said to lift depression and energize a tired mind while easing breathing and assisting digestion. Bergamot is good for depression, feeling fed-up, respiratory problems, colds and flu, PMS and SAD. Geranium helps relieve stress, mild depression, PMS, anxiety and tension, menopausal problems and for general energizing. Blimey, is there anything it can't relieve ?!

On the way home after a long day at work, getting ready to take my teacher head off and put back on my mum head (remember Worzel Gummidge ?!), I remembered the little miracle stick in my pocket. I rubbed some over my wrists and breathed in deeply and I have to admit, I did feel my stress levels starting to drop, but whether this was due to breathing deeply or really because of the Bliss Stick, I have no idea. I was surprised and impressed to feel my mood lifting though, whatever the reason.

I can't say that I felt 100% better but it did give me a lift for a while, making me feel more chilled out and giving me a slight energy boost. It is therefore a brilliant and much healthier alternative to a cup of strong coffee or a caffeine-filled energy drink (or a cheeky glass of wine !) when you need to perk yourself up, with the added bonus of being perfect for pregnant or breastfeeding mums. All of MamaBabyBliss's pampering products are made from ethically-sourced, natural active ingredients so they are safe for everyone.

I'm still a bit sceptical when it comes to reducing the effects of depression, flu or the menopause (and I'm in no position to judge if it works or not) but as a general pick-me-up and mood enhancer, it does do the job surprisingly well. It's quick and discreet to use and is small enough to leave in your pocket or handbag at all times for whenever you start feeling stressed or frazzled. It's also really cheap, costing just £5, so at that price, it's got to be worth a go ! All together now, breathe deeeeeeply !

star rating : 4/5

RRP : £5


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