Sunday 10 October 2010

Boots Baby Organic Orange Flavoured Rice Cakes

Now aged almost 15 months, Pierre eats most things but he'd never tried rice cakes before. When we were sent a bag of Boots Baby Organic Orange Flavoured Rice Cakes to review, I was therefore keen to see what he'd make of them. The photo says it all really - he loved them so much, he grabbed one in each hand !

The ingredients list is reassuringly short : Organic Wholegrain Brown rice (83%), Organic Apple Juice concentrate, Natural Orange flavouring, Thiamin. I wasn't too keen on the name Thiamin so I went to check out what it is. Good news - it's Vitamin B1. The rice cakes contain no artificial colours or flavours, no added preservatives, no added salts, no added milks, no added soya (in other words, nothing likely to cause allergies) and they're gluten free and suitable for vegetarians. On top of all that, they're yummy !

The label says that these rice cakes are suitable for weaning stages 2 (7 months +, learning to chew) and 3 (12 months +, toddler feeding). According to the Boots website, "You can begin to give 'finger foods' from around 6-9 months of age. Boots Baby Rice Cakes have been specially designed to encourage self-feeding and developmental skills.  They are an ideal first finger food because their special shape and size make them suitable for 'little hands' to hold.  They are also popular with young children."

I agree that the shape and size are perfect for little fingers and I also love the fact that for once, they won't leave hard-to-remove fruit or chocolate stains on bibs and clothes and anything else within a 2 metre radius of the high chair ! A quick wipe over Pierre's slightly sticky mouth and fingers was all that was needed to clean up, so these are an ideal snack to eat when out and about or visiting people who may not appreciate messy baby handprints all over their pristine soft furnishings !

The ingredients used in Boots Baby Organics are carefully selected and obtained from fully certified and inspected organic farming methods so you don't have to worry about any hidden nasties either.

Both older sisters also enjoyed having a munch on the rice cakes so they make an ideal healthy snack for the whole family (the big bag is the perfect size to share on the walk home from school ) and they are healthy enough to be perfect for school lunchboxes too.

Big thumbs up from all three mini-testers !

star rating : 5/5

RRP : 99p for 50g

Other reviews you may be interested in :
Boots - Baby Weaning Essentials
Baby Weaning - Recipes from Mandy Haywood, Boots Baby Food Expert
Boots Extra Wide Bibs for Boys & Girls

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