Tuesday 12 October 2010

Children's book review : Know It All - Dorling Kindersley

Calling someone a Know-It-All isn't necessary a compliment. It normally means that person thinks they know it all but usually doesn't ! Well, this book won't give you absolute universal knowledge either but it will provide you with a fascinating array of interesting facts on a number of surprising topics guaranteed to intrigue your kids and impress your friends.

I should have counted the number of "Guess what, Mum!" moments that I've had ever since handing this book to Sophie. She sat down and read it pretty much cover to cover, oohing and aahing at the huge number of brightly coloured photos and the endless nuggets of fascinating information.

Without even realising they're learning, your children will hoover up bite-sized lessons on science, geography, history, art and just about everything else in between. You'll get answers to questions you'd never have even dreamed of asking, such as Who decides what is fashion ? Why do we have myths ? How many canals does Amsterdam have ? The book also answers some of those tough questions that kids always ask and that you can't always think of a good answer to like : Why brush your teeth ? What goes bump in the night ? and Why do magnets stick to the fridge ?

Sophie loved the bright colours and the fact that "the writing was all over the place so you sometimes had to turn the book around to read all the information" ! I loved the fact that she spent an entire afternoon reading a factual but fascinating book and obviously understanding it all because she kept telling me about things she had learnt.

Happy mum, Happy kid - what more could a parent ask for ?!

star rating : 5/5

RRP : £16.99

Format: Hardback
ISBN: 9781405355339
Size: 216 x 276mm
Pages : 304
Publication date: 02 Aug 2010
Publisher: Dorling Kindersley

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