Sunday 17 April 2011

I'm a Morphy Richards House Proud Innovator!

Exciting news here at The Madhouse. I'm ecstatic to have been asked to become a House Proud Innovator for Morphy Richards ! This brand new initiative is about to kick off and every month for the next year, about a dozen or so lucky bloggers (including me !) will receive one of their products to review. Morphy Richards have a huge range of products on offer so this could be anything from a breadmaker, slow cooker, iron or vacuum cleaner ! Exciting stuff ! Even more exciting is that many of the products will be released for review before their official launch so I'll get a sneaky insight into what's about to hit the shelves.

Last year Morphy Richards launched the social community ‘Home of the House Proud’ (, which features recipes, product reviews, competitions and a whole host of other house proud related content. 2011 is a very exciting year for Morphy Richards. It’s the brand's 75th anniversary, and as a result there are lots of exciting things planned over the coming months. I have insider info that there will be a 75th birthday party with a very special guest which is all very intriguing. Great news for you is that I'll also be able to host some fantastic giveaways too.

I've already reviewed their Flavour Savour Slow Cooker (here) and entered their £4 Slow Cooker Challenge, cooking up Chicken Casserole and Beef Carbonnade. My first mission as an Innovator will be to test out and review their Comfigrip iron and unique Shirtmaster ironing boards, which promise to make my ironing life a little easier. Watch this space ! 

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