Sunday 23 December 2012

Berry White Organic Drinks review

Altogether now ...

My darling I, can't get enough of your love babe ...
Girl, I don't know, I don't know why
Can't get enough of your love babe

Oh no, hang on, there was a slight vowel misfunction there - this is a review for Berry White Organic Drinks, not Barry White the singer ! But I have to admit, every time I see a bottle of Berry White, I can't help but start crooning one of Barry's songs because they automatically pop into my head !

So, on to the drinks - I promise I won't mention Barry White any more in this review ! I have to admit, they sound so health-conscious and heavy on the "good for you" super-ingredients like antioxidant packed berries and green tea that I thought they probably wouldn't taste very nice. I was pleasantly surprised though - these are in fact drinks that I would buy because I enjoy drinking them as much as for their taste as the health benefits.

Creator Andrew Jennings explains : "I launched BerryWhite® in the UK in 2012. I wanted to create a drink packed full of flavour that was not only good for you but also tasted great and was good for others. The trick was matching the health benefits of my ingredients with their flavour combinations to create a unique drink that was both organic and good for you. I’ve been interested in the properties of superfruits and white tea for a while and they were a natural (pardon the pun) choice for my key ingredients, so I sourced the finest  organic produce, found a brilliant mixologist, and we began blending and blending...! I’m super proud of the result; BerryWhite® drinks are light and refreshing, whilst retaining their intensity of flavour."

I sampled all four varieties of Berry White drinks - Goji Berries & Peaches (with White Tea & Echinacea); Pomegranate & Blueberry; Cranberry, Guava & Elderberry (with White Tea and Guarana) ; and Lemon, Ginger & Acai Berry (with White Tea & Yerba Mate) - and there wasn't a single one that I didn't like, despite being unsure about some of the ingredients (particularly green tea and ginger - not my favourite flavours). I love the way the recipes blend common ingredients with more exotic ones, so that your tastebuds recognise some flavours while trying to work out what the more unusual topnotes are.

All of the drinks are free from any artificial preservatives, additives or added sugar so they have a natural, delicate flavour and they're pretty light on calories (100-120 for a 330ml bottle). The Madhouse Mini-testers weren't keen on them because they didn't find them sweet enough but that makes sense - these are grown-up drinks for a more discerning palate. If you decide to have a health-conscious New Year, these would be a great alternative to fizzy drinks or other sugar-packed fruity drinks. They're refreshing and you get that feel-good glow for knowing that you're filling your body with nutrients and superfoods that could well be giving it a boost. As an added bonus,every time you buy a bottle, Berry White will make a small donation to - an international charity, empowering disadvantaged children and communities around the world.

available from Planet Organic, Ocado, Harrods, Amazon and independent outlets throughout the country

star rating : 4.5/5

RRP : £1.69 for 330ml

Disclosure : I received some Berry White Organic Drinks in order to write an honest review.

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  1. These look delicious. Especially the lemon, ginger and acai one :)

  2. These sound really tasty, I'm not usually into those super healthy drinks but these really sound nice.
