Sunday 3 February 2013

Sunday weigh in : Better than expected !

Last week, the scales weren't my friend, despite a pretty good week food and exercise wise. This week, I knew it would be a disastrous week. I had parent-teacher evenings on Tuesday and Thursday so didn't get out of school until 8.30pm which meant not only that I had no time to do my fitness video at all this week but also that by the time I got home, I was too tired to think about a healthy dinner and just ate whatever Madhouse Daddy Mike had prepared (that usually means frozen pizza !). On top of that, we did an early birthday meal for Juliette's birthday last Sunday with her godparents - that meant pre-dinner drinks and snacks, a huge meal and two different birthday cakes to sample. Eeeeek ! On Wednesday - my afternoon off - I wanted to spend some quality time with the kids because I'd hardly seen them so we ended up in the kitchen making cakes, toffee apples and jam tarts. Sophie made a huge cheesecake later in the week. Last night, Madhouse Daddy Mike was out doing carnival so I told Sophie she could choose whatever she wanted for dinner - she went for kebab !

So I just jumped on the scales knowing it would be bad news. Except it wasn't ! I've lost a pound (600g). How can that be possible? Well, thinking back to how the SlimPod works, I decided to record a few of the "positive things" from the week so that my subconscious remembers what I did right :

- Yes we ate a kebab, and chips, and pitta sauce, and bread - but we shared one and we were still both stuffed. I used to eat a whole one ! And we made a big bowl of salad to go with it so it probably wasn't that bad really.

- Knowing I'd be having a kebab and chips for tea, I had salad instead of rice with steak for lunch. Forward planning !

- I sneaked in some healthy nibbles - carrot sticks and Popchips - with the pre-dinner snacks.

- I've been choosing fruit for dessert every day this week at the canteen, even when the only fruit left looked decidedly manky !

I was a bit disappointed yesterday to glance at my WeightWatchers weightloss chart and see that I've made basically no progress since the start of December, then I remembered that Christmas was in there so it could have been a lot worse. I want to get back into the 78 point somethings next week and get my badges back onto more lost than left to lose. And from there, onwards and upwards - springtime is on the way so no more hiding under baggy jumpers !

STILL TO GO : 13.1kg

Feel free to add your weightloss posts to our weekly linkie - it's great to see how everyone else has been getting on and give each other support and encouragement :)

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

 MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods

Disclosure : I'm currently using a Thinking Slimmer SlimPod and a WeightWatchers Online subscription, in return for honest feedback. I also receive regular hampers of WeightWatchers products, and have also benefitted from a one-month Jenny Craig trial.