Thursday 20 June 2013

Tingz Tooth-Friendly Sweets review

"Mummy, can I have a sweet?" "No, you'll rot your teeth."

How many times do you trot that old line out? I know I use it a lot and it always makes me smile because my own parents and grandparents used to say it too when I was a kid ! Well, my comeback may have just lost its power because the Madhouse Mini-testers were sent through some Tingz to review and the packaging clearly states that they are "sugar-free and good for teeth".

The Madhouse Mini-testers were instantly attracted to the packaging which is brightly coloured and features a cute monster (with lovely shiny teeth!) so it's definitely something that they'd be attracted to instore.

The sweets come in two flavours - Strawberry & Vanilla and Orange & Mandarin - and we tried them both out. The colours of the sweets reflect the colours of the packaging so it's easy to pick out which are which - we therefore think it would be a good idea to sell mixed bags too. Both flavours went down well - they are fruity, pleasantly sharp and have a lovely crunchy texture. If I hadn't read the label, I would never have guessed they are sugar-free.

But that's not the only reason they are labelled as tooth-friendly. The press release explains : "Peppersmith have just launched a brand new kids' sweet range called Tingz. Believe it or not, these tasty new sweets are made using 100% xylitol- a natural sweetener from beech trees that actively reduces plaque and the risk of tooth decay! Children in Scandinavia are regularly given free xylitol sweets in schools and nurseries, such are the proven benefits of the ingredient. Tingz have been accredited by the British Dental Health Foundation who notes that "studies have shown that xylitol consumption is especially important for emerging teeth" (Dr Nigel Carter, OBE)."

For a sweet that tastes that good, that's very impressive. The only thing that puts me off a bit is the price - at 99p - £1.29  for a 15g packet containing 25 sweets, they are a more expensive alternative to the usual kiddie sweets. But that's because xylitol is much more expensive than sugar and they use real vanilla, strawberries, oranges and mandarins rather than cheaper artificial flavours. As always, you get what you pay for.

star rating : 4.5/5

RRP : 99p-£1.29

for more information :

 available in Ocado, Whole Foods, Planet Organic  

Disclosure : We received some Tingz in order to write an honest review.

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  1. These sound amazing.
    If your child is prone to ear infections, xylitol is a great help too as for some unknown reasons, it reduces the risks of upper respiratory infections.
    On the other hand; do bear in mind that xylitol is a natural laxative ;-)

    1. Two very important things I didn't know ! Thanks :)

  2. I think I might try - thanks for the review
