Thursday 25 July 2013

Kitchen Nomad Globe-Cooking Recipe #1 : Youvetsi (Greece)

I'm such a gastronomical globetrotter at the moment that I started out on my blog yesterday sharing a recipe that I discovered in Tunisia last year and by lunchtime, we were off on a culinary voyage to Greece ! If you saw this week's menu plan, I told you that I was planning on trying lots of the recipes and products from my Kitchen Nomad boxes - the first one featured Greece and the second one Vietnam, both cuisines that I am largely unfamiliar with - so I was really excited about trying out this new dish.

The first recipe that I was going to try was for Youvetsi, a lovely aromatic stew of lamb, tomatoes and Orzo pasta. I had all the exotic bits that I needed in the Kitchen Nomad box :

Cassia Bark, which I'd never even heard of, let alone tried. It has a wonderful cinnamon-like aroma and gave a lovely taste to the dish - definitely an ingredient that I will be experimenting with.

Orzo pasta - this made me squeal with delight because it totally reminded me of the one-pot pasta dishes that we discovered in Turkey on holiday. I love the packaging because it's so authentic - there's not a word of English on there !

And a bottle of vibrant yellow Kalamata Olive Oil.

You can find the recipe for Youvetsi on the Kitchen Nomad website. It's a recipe that was provided by Tonia Buxton, presenter of the award winning ‘My Greek Kitchen’ series and face of Greek food in Britain.

Even from the start, the kitchen was filled with wonderful aromas of lamb and tomatoes cooking. We've got the builders in at the moment, fixing up the wall around our patio, and as they walked through the kitchen, they stopped, sniffed and said "wow, something smells good" !

It seemed totally wrong to dilute all that lovely sauce with loads of boiling water but this did actually make the lamb lovely and tender.

Madhouse Daddy found some lovely cubes of feta in herb-infused oil at the supermarket which were the perfect finishing touch.

Huge thumbs up from the entire Madhouse Family !

Hmmm I wonder what we'll try next !

Disclosure : I received a Kitchen Nomad box in order to write an honest review.

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