Tuesday 27 August 2013

Book review : Fun Food For Fussy Little Eaters (How To Get Your Kids To Eat Fruit & Veg)

I'm lucky enough to not really have any fussy little eaters here at The Madhouse - the kids will eat most things and I don't have to get too sneaky for them to eat their 5-a-day - but I still squealed with delight when we received a copy of Fun Food For Fussy Little Eaters (How To Get Your Kids To Eat Fruit & Veg) to review. We always have great fun playing around making pretty, fun platefuls of food - you may remember our pirate-themed party food, our mouse pizza, our Loch Ness Bagel Monster and the Clown Quesadillas, to name just a few. Well, Smita Srivastava of Little Food Junction, the author of the book, has raised the bar !

You know you're onto a good thing when you AND the kids are already saying "ooh I want to make that ... and that ... and that!" before you've even got past the contents page ! The Madhouse Mini-testers were wowed by the colourful rainbow of fruit and veg on the inside front cover and asked if we can try to replicate it - kids ASKING to eat fruit and veg? Sounds good to me !

It's a smallish 20x20cm book but it is absolutely packed with inspiring platefuls that look great fun to make and eat, despite being made entirely of fruit and veg. We started off marking the pages that particularly leapt out at us, before deciding that we loved all of them and would just have to make our way through the whole book page by page !

I've seen a lot of "play with your food" type books by people such as Annabel Karmel, who come up with some great ideas for fun and appealing food presentation, but I can honestly say that I've never seen such attention to detail as the recipe suggestions in this book. This owl is just one example - look how intricate the design is. It's really cleverly put together.

I love the fact that they have seasonal ideas too - these designs are brilliant for Christmas but there are also Halloween and Thanksgiving suggestions. Any of the recipes in the book would be ideal for stunning centrepieces for kids' parties, as well as wowing your kids on a day-to-day basis. 

How could anyone not be over the moon to get such a beautiful plateful of food ? If your kids tend to turn their noses up at fresh fruit and vegetables, this could be a powerful tool for getting them to try different fresh ingredients. But even if they aren't picky eaters, this book is a treasure trove of inspirational ideas for putting fun and laughter into your kids' mealtimes.

star rating : 5/5

RRP : £9.99

  • Hardcover: 64 pages
  • Publisher: Ryland Peters & Small (15 Aug 2013)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1849754543
  • ISBN-13: 978-1849754545
  • Product Dimensions: 20 x 19.8 x 1.2 cm

Disclosure : We received the book in order to write an honest review.

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