Saturday 9 November 2013

What's Cooking at The Madhouse next week? menu plan 8/11/13

I still haven't decided what the best day for menu planning is. I tend to do mine on a Friday because Madhouse Daddy does the weekly shop on a Saturday so I can write my shopping list at the same time. But then I hit the farmers' market for fresh produce on a Sunday morning and that often fills the fridge with veggies that need using up quickly. That's what happened this week, so I replaced some of the planned meals with things using the veggies I'd bought. What I'll do to keep on top of things is put the unplanned meals I made this week in for next week, then flip back to last week to see which meals I didn't use and make those instead - did you follow that?! I'm sure there must be a better system though. How do you organise your shopping/menu planning routine?


lunch - a visit to McDonald's so that the kids can run off some steam in the soft play - seafood salad for me (which is what actually happened last week so I'll do the mini mezze that was planned for last week instead - soft baked feta with tortillas, dolmades (stuffed vine leaves), spiced aubergine and courgette pakoras and cucumber and tomato raita)

dinner - homemade soup with cheese on toast 


lunch -  traditional Sunday roast with all the trimmings - the Madhouse grandparents and my sister are over for the day :)

dinner - a sandwich, wrap or a bowl of porridge, or there may be some leftover soup


lunch - cauliflower cheese

dinner - Stuffed Marrow (which we actually ate last week, so this week we'll be having last week's Vietnamese crispy crepes)


dinner - pasta bake for the kids, leftover cauliflower cheese and stuffed marrow for the grown ups


lunch  beefburgers, rice and sweetcorn

dinner - something experimental for the Applewood blogger challenge - maybe chicken stuffed with smoked cheese and chorizo, not sure yet - I'll see how inspired I feel !


dinner - haggis - eeeeek! - with root veg mash and ... I don't know, what goes with haggis? baked beans? grilled tomatoes? green beans? I'll have to investigate


dinner - something from my Mexican-themed Kitchen Nomad box - tacos maybe

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***

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