Tuesday 30 September 2014

Book review : Trust In Me - Sophie McKenzie

Probably as a result of watching the evil python Kaa singing "trusssst in me" in The Jungle Book as a child, hearing someone utter the immortal words "trust in me" will immediately have the opposite effect and send me running off in the other direction. Livy, the central character in Sophie McKenzie's latest book, Trust In Me, has pretty much the same reaction, feeling as if she can't trust anyone any more, even those closest to her. Given her situation, that's probably a wise conclusion though.

Her sister Kara was brutally murdered when they were students and her killer has never been found. Her husband Will had a 6-month affair with a work colleague six years ago. Her best friend, the sassy confident Julia, is found dead after apparently taking her own life. Her options for people to turn to are getting seriously reduced.

Livy can't accept that Julia killed herself as it seems so out of character, but everyone thinks she's wrong. In fact, the only person who supports her is Julia's mystery boyfriend who turned up at her funeral, but should Livy put her trust in a random stranger or stick with those closest to her? The more she digs, the more she realises how little she knows about those closest to her.

I won't say any more and spoil the surprise but it's a fast-paced, exciting read, full of twists and turns and red herrings, although I must admit, I did have my doubts about the ending way before I got there. It's also a poignant look at trying to rebuild trust after betrayal within a marriage and realising what the important things in life are.

If you liked Sophie McKenzie's previous novel, Close My Eyes, (click through to read my review) you'll love Trust In Me because it keeps the same winning formula of chilling, sinister plot twists and poignant inner turmoil, with the central character not knowing whether her nearest and dearest are genuinely on her side or actually wolves in sheeps' clothing.

star rating : 5/5

RRP : £7.99

  • Paperback: 464 pages
  • Publisher: Simon & Schuster UK (11 Sep 2014)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1471111768
  • ISBN-13: 978-1471111761
  • Product Dimensions: 13 x 19.8 cm

Disclosure : I received a review copy of the book.

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