Sunday 28 September 2014

Globecooking recipe : Sfeha (Jordan)

Yesterday, I tried out the first of the recipes from my Jordan-themed Kitchen Trotter box. These little squares of meat-filled pizza looked like something the kids would enjoy making AND eating and I wasn't wrong ! I think I may have to try this again, using different fillings - cheese, leek and ham or maybe Mediterranean veg and goat's cheese next time. They'd be nice with sweet filling like spiced apple or jam too.


ingredients :

250g minced beef
2 small onions
2 small tomatoes
1/2tsp black pepper
1tbsp tahini
1tsp cinnamon
1tsp dried coriander
3 rolls of pizza base
1 egg yolk

for the sauce :

1 small pot of Greek yogurt (unsweetened)
1/2 lemon
2-3tbsp tahini
pomegranate molasses (optional)

First oops-moment - I was out of tomatoes, but luckily I found these two red ones on the plants on the patio.

Chop the tomatoes and onions and mix into the meat in a bowl. Add the spices.

I had a jar of tahini in the Kitchen Trotter kit - but I also had half a jar left over from a previous foodie box. I'm really not too sure about the taste of tahini so if anyone has any great recipes for using it up, let me know !

The kids got involved in the next bit - using a large cookie cutter to cut out circles of pizza base (although Madhouse Daddy messed up when he did the shopping and brought back puff pastry instead - it worked just as well though !).

Place a dollop of meat mixture in the centre then push up the sides and pinch the corners together.

Place on baking trays lined with baking parchment, brush with egg yolk and cook in a preheated oven (200°) until the meat is cooked and the pastry is golden.

Mix together all the ingredients for the accompanying sauce - I also added in some lime pepper for added zing but we really didn't like the taste of the sauce.

These would be great as party finger food (they're just as nice hot as cold) or on their own as a starter but I served them as a main meal with rice and ratatouille.

Everybody thought they were delicious and asked for seconds - but the sauce was rejected as yucky !

*** Don't miss my country-by-country globecooking recipe index ! ***

Other blogposts you may be interested in :

Globecooking recipe (Canada) : Newfoundland Raisin Molasses Bread
Globecooking recipe (Ecuador) : Baked Cheese Empanadas
Globecooking recipe : Sha Shogok (Tibetan Beef & Potato Stew)

1 comment:

  1. oooh these look really tasty and simple to make as well, must try them
