Monday 15 February 2016

Globecooking recipe : Philly-style Cheesesteak (USA)

Firstly, my apologies to anyone from Philadelphia. Philly Cheesesteak is a bit of an institution and they are very particular about the ingredients that get to make their signature dish. My version is inspired by the Philly Cheesesteaks we ate there many moons ago on honeymoon but uses ingredients available in Europe. American Cheeses such as Provolone (or even Cheez Whiz !) are hard to find so I used some raclette that was in the fridge. You can find out all about authentic Philly Cheesesteak on the Visit Philly website.

Philly-style Cheesesteak

ingredients :

herbs and spices of choice (I used Montreal steak seasoning, garlic salt, garlic pepper and smoked paprika)
soft bread rolls
cheese (I used raclette - anything that melts properly would do)

Chop the steak into fine strips and cook in the pan with the onions and mushrooms. (You can also add green pepper but I'd run out.) Toss over the seasoning.

Use the meat/onions/mushrooms to fill the soft rolls. I used part-cooked soft baguettes which I popped in the oven at the same time as I started cooking the steak.

Lay slices of cheese on top.

Pop back in the oven for a few minutes for the cheese to melt.

I served mine with Actifry chips and onion rings. Juliette had the great idea of putting her onion rings in the sandwich.

*** Don't miss my country-by-country globecooking recipe index !  If you want to try some more American recipes, how about Hoppin' John & Collards (South Carolina)Parmesan Chicken BreastMinnesotan Hotdish or Snickerdoodles ? ***


  1. The photos look so delicious, I'm drooling just looking at them!

      Please check out my blog

  2. Have never tried this before and looks appetising

  3. Have never tried this before and looks appetising
