Sunday 7 May 2017

New Year Resolutions Review week #18: Loving the bank holidays

One of the great things about May in France is that you get loads of bank holidays - the 1st May, the 8th May and Ascension Thursday, which often involves "le pont" (the bridge) on the Friday to make an extra long weekend ... especially as I don't work on Wednesdays ! This is giving me those extra hours that I've been saying I need in the day to catch up !

1. Get Fit(bitting) !
Pretty good this week - quiet days (under my 10k daily steps target) on Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holiday Monday, as well as my day off on Wednesday, because I was catching up on marking (and Madhouse Daddy was around with the car at the weekend), but I was on or over target for the rest of the week : 11k on Tuesday, 9.5k on Thursday, 12k on Friday and 15.5k on Saturday.

2. Get cooking bookmarked recipes ! 
I had a bookmarked recipe for Chicken Tetrazzini that I tweaked to make Chicken Potat-razzini, which was rather lovely, as was a retro-style school dinner pudding, Fudge Tart (as pictured above). Haggis Puffs were more an idea than a recipe that I had bookmarked, but they used up lots of odds and ends in the fridge. I also grabbed a moment to make Polo, a Syrian mint lemonade, for a Food For Thought challenge.

3. Get geocaching !
A new geocache was reactivated yesterday after being replaced not that far from our house, so we combined an early evening walk with the dogs with a geocaching expedition. This earned us a FTF (first to find) and took our total finds to 218.

4. Get comping !
No wins for May yet but there's still plenty of time.

2017 wins :
January : 4 wins - £20 shopping voucher, Mr Lee's noodles, Ambrosia trifle glasses, set of 5 books
 February : 1 win - tea & personalised mug (prize for Galina)
March - 1 win - a Bear Grylls adventure book
 April - 4 wins - a colouring bundle, And Then We Ran book, Aram book, 6 months supply of Hairburst vitamins
May -

5. Get reading !
 My review of Paige Toon's The Last Piece of My Heart went live this week, as did the one for Child Taken by Darren Young, which I finished a few weeks ago but had to schedule later for a book tour. I finished Little Gold by Allie Rogers  - click through for that review -  and I'm now back to crime fiction, reading The Lies Within by Jane Isaac. I've read 18/52 books so far this year, one ahead of schedule.

6. Get FLYing !
In a word - no ! But I've working through my to-do list for work stuff, so my desk is looking clearer at work. Does that count?!

8. Get bloggy housekeeping !
Blog stats are slightly lower this week but nothing alarming and I have a new giveaway going live tomorrow which will help drive traffic up. Klout has dropped to dizzying new depths - 52.05 ! - but it's all over the place at the moment. My drafts folder is slightly down, from 581 to 576 and I still have some recipe posts to write up so I'll aim for 565 for next week. That should be doable as long as I stop bookmarking recipes. Hmm that might be more of a problem !!

9. Get French !
Still no news. *sigh* It's the second round of the French election today so fingers crossed Marine Le Pen doesn't get in. At least I should be able to vote in the next elections, in theory !

What about you? Did you set yourself any targets, challenges or new year's resolutions this year? How are they going?

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