Thursday 12 July 2018

Madhouse diaries : A random stroll at sunset

Our first few days visiting the Madhouse grandparents in Hastings were absolute scorchers, so in the early evening, when temperatures started to descend to more manageable levels, we all wandered off for a stroll around their local area. They don't live in the countryside but, as our numerous geocaching adventures have shown us, there are often little hidden gems of woodland lanes and beautiful views to discover even in the built-up areas. 

Pierre had lots of "Look, Mum ..." moments, discovering everything from interesting tree stumps to friendly cats.

My "local history buff" antenna honed in on things like these luxury flats that have been converted from the old workhouse - how times change ! 

As we wandered along, smelling the flowers and looking for wildlife, we spotted a footpath that looked intriguing.

Another signpost, peeking through the foliage, informed us that this was leading to Speckled Wood.

 We set off into the tunnel of trees.

 The dusky sunlight filtering through the canopy of leaves gave it all an other-worldly feel, like a magical fairy wonderland ! 

It's amazing to think that this is right on the doorstep of a big housing estate ! 

Back into the light, and we headed around the back lanes and passageways that I haven't wandered down since I was a little girl walking to primary school with my nan !

 Heading off into the sunset !

With perfect timing, we arrived home just in time to see a spectacular sunset. We really couldn't have timed it better if we'd tried !

Country Kids


  1. We have had a lot of evening walks lately as well. just been far far to warm to walk during the day.
    Years ago nobody wanted to live n a workhouse and now they are paying heavily for the price quite ironic really.
    Glad you found some hidden gems to visit. Love the name of the wood.

    1. It's certainly the best time of day to get out and about when the temperatures are cooling off :)

  2. How wonderful for you to be spending some time back with your parents and where you grew up. It must be very special taking the kids down paths you remember and watching them enjoying the simple pleasures of the British countryside on a lovely summer's evening.

    Thank you for sharing with me on #CountryKids

    1. It's nice to get off the beaten path and just wander around aimlessly sometimes ! :)

  3. Wow, what a gorgeous sunset! I love finding little gems like this. It certainly feels magical walking through woodland sometimes, particularly at dusk. When I was a child I'd always imagine fairies flying around undetected by us and watching from the trees. #CountryKids

    1. Even as an adult, it seemed atmospheric so add a kid's imagination to the mix and it was definitely a fairy wonderland to explore ! :)

  4. I had forgotten how magical it could b

  5. I love how magical the light makes it look. I love a good sunset. I have never been to Hastings and not thought about it before.

    1. It's my hometown so I'm biased but it's a great place with plenty to explore - the seaside, the countryside, the beach ... :)
