Wednesday 11 July 2018

Sweet Pups review

Plump, tasty-looking bakery treats and cute puppies - both things guaranteed to provoke squeals of delight from most kids (and even grown-ups) whatever their age or sex. Sweet Pups combine the best of both worlds, because they look like the most delicious croissants, macaroons and sticky buns on the outside and opening the pastry package reveals the wonderful scented aroma of the pastry, but there is a special surprise hidden inside.

Turn it inside out and you'll find a cute puppy soft toy. With 12 adorable breeds to collect in series one, choosing your favourite will be as hard as deciding on a sweet treat from a wonderful patisserie display !

When you see the toy inside the pack, you'd never suspect what is hiding inside.

When you remove the packaging and release the wonderful, sweet, cinnamon-tinged fragrance, it looks (and smells) remarkably realistic.

Now turn it inside out and your new poochie friend will start to appear.

Complete the transformation by sealing up the velcro strip on his back and he's all ready for cuddles. I thought he'd come out looking a bit squished but he's just as soft and well-formed as a normal cuddly toy. He has a great personality shining through and Juliette loves him as he fits in with her big-eyed Beanie Boo collection.

Launched at the end of June 2018, these have been flying off the shelves and I can see why. The lovely thing is, they don't come in blind bags so you know which one you'll be getting, enabling you to pick your favourite or collect the whole lot.

Available from Claire’s Accessories and Amazon for £7.99

Disclosure : We received the product in order to write an honest review.


  1. These look so cute! just ordered one for my daughter

  2. Very cute but also a bit barmy! I wonder what the manufacturers will come up with next!

  3. Looks very cute
