Tuesday 11 September 2018

Poopsie Unicorn Poop Slime Surprise review

I was just saying to Juliette, as we wandered around the shops during the summer holidays, that it must be about time that unicorns stopped being fashionable. Well, it looks like I was wrong (again !) as an email landed in my inbox, giving unicorn lovers and slime enthusiasts the chance to test out the brand new Poopsie Slime Surprise! When it arrived, we couldn't help but giggle : the box is designed to look like a toilet roll !

We pulled everything out of the box, including the different ingredients. 

There are lots of separate ingredients to discover, so younger children will need adult supervision, at least the first time. There are also written instructions, telling you exactly what to do.

So, let's have a little look at the pack contents : first you get unicorn food (or slime powder), then unicorn magic (special effect powder).

Next up is Surprise Scent and, finally, a Magic Spoon.

Moving on to the inside of the container, we pulled out three surprise bags and some papers (instruction sheets and also the collectors' guide). Inside the surprise bags, we got a cute purple unicorn - looking him up on the guide, he's called Tootie Bear from the Turdz of Paradise range ! - along with a yellow glass and a Juicy Poops container, which can be used for holding on to the remaining slime.

We opened up the bags from the beginning and discovered a spoon and a little bottle of secret scent. 

OK, time to get your hands dirty and make the unicorn slime ! Following the instructions, you just add water (2 x the little pot) and some scent, then the unicorn food, and leave it for 15-20 minutes to do its magic. Once it's hardened and transformed into slime, you can add the sachet of Unicorn Magic, which changes the colour and adds sparkles.

Once you've finished playing with your slime, you can use it to fill up your little unicorn. It won't all fit in there though, so you can keep the rest in your Juicy Poops container.

Your little slime-holding creature is now ready to accompany you wherever you go - maybe you could attach it to your school bag or use it on your keys?

It's a fun concept and the kids all loved getting involved, whatever their age.

RRP (£9.99)

Available at multiple retailers, including Smyths, The Entertainer and Argos

Disclosure : We received the product in order to share our honest reviews.


  1. Both my kids would love this

  2. My girl has spotted these and has already added them to her Christmas list. They look like a lot of fun! What could be better! Unicorns and slime, her two favourite things x

  3. Wow! That looks fun! Although thinking about ideas for Christmas, I would actually like to have a go at making this myself. Thanks for the review.

  4. The large poopsie unicorn toy is the creepiest thing ever!

  5. Does anyone know ...What are the ingredients in the slime powder?

    1. Not sure, I didn't keep the packaging, but I would imagine they'd have all the details on ebay?
