Sunday 1 September 2019

The August 2019 Degustabox review : Back To School & On The Go

The long, hot summer is drawing to an end (sniff) and we're all just about to head back to work and school for another year. With perfect timing, we received our latest Degustabox delivery and discovered that this month's box has a Back To School & On The Go theme. Perfect ! There were lots of things for the kids to snack on while they wait for me to get back home from work, as well as a few cheeky treats for me too. What more could we want ?! Here's a closer look at what was hiding inside.

Attack A Snak Nachos Snack Kit (RRP £1.50) was instantly grabbed by Juliette for perusal and she liked what she saw ! Each 90g box contains a portion of crunchy nacho chips, a separate compartment of tangy salsa and a sachet of creamy nacho cheese. As it says on the pack, just top 'em, dip 'em and snak 'em. (My inner teacher is screaming silently at the lack of c in that word - aggghhhhh !) Each pack contains 320 calories which is quite high for what will undoubtedly be an after school snack but Juliette is very impressed. Please note, the product has a short expiry date due to the cheese content so don't buy too many in advance.

Mighty Fine Dark Chocolate Skinny Coated Almond Dips (RRP £1.39 - in the non-alcohol version of the box) are another great snack option that started out in a cool little shop in Camden back in 2014. Lightly roasted almonds are skinny coated in chocolate and dusted with cocoa powder. They taste lovely and are perfect for keeping in your coat pocket or handbag for when you need a snack. My only very slight criticism is that the black writing on the purple packaging is very hard to read (as I found out when I tried to check the nutritional info).

Depending on which box you are subscribed to, you will have received one or the other of these products (but as a blogger, I was lucky enough to get both).

Nuttvia Hazelnut Spread (RRP £3.99) is a tasty, creamy option for adding to toast, pancakes and ice cream, or just licking straight from the spoon if you prefer ! It has the same great taste as the big market brands but has 97% less sugar and zero palm oil. Top marks for ethics and health, but also for taste. Available at Morrisson's, as well as Whole Foods, Ocado and Amazon.

In the alcohol box, subscribers will have received Blossom Hill Pale Rosé (RRP £6.50), which was the winner of Product of the Year 2019. You can't argue with that ! It is refreshingly dry with delicate floral aromas and notes of summer fruits. Best served with friends ! Available at Asda.

Pure Leaf (RRP £3.99) offers a trio of their products for tea-lovers to enjoy. The box contains jars of 16 pyramid bags in three flavours - Green Tea with Jasmine, Chai and Gunpowder Green Tea. They combine the finest long leaves with natural ingredients such as herbs, flower petals and real fruit pieces to create unique teas with distinct character. We're not tea lovers here at The Madhouse, so I will be passing these on to a friend.

This Degustabox contained a voucher for a free pack of Strings & Things Cheeshapes (RRP £1.50). From the brand who brought us Cheestrings, Cheeshapes Randoms are bags of real cheese pieces, shaped into completely random shapes and iconic faces - you never know which ones you're going to get !

We used the voucher in Sainsbury's but I'm sure they're available everywhere. The kids loved them and they'd make the perfect after school snack or addition to a school packed lunch.

JellySqueeze Jelly Pouches (RRP 3 x 50p) are another kid favourite, if the Madhouse kids are anything to go by ! These mess-free pouches come in three delicious flavours : Strawberry, Orange and Apple & Blackcurrant.  Coming in at under 80 calories per pouch, they are the perfect guilt-free snack for hungry kids !

The next product, Heinz Beef Ravioli (RRP £1.25), needs no presentation. It's been a family favourite for over 50 years. Ready in under five minutes, it can be heated in a saucepan or even the microwave if you prefer. The perfect, simple meal for teenagers to prepare themselves if they're home alone or a quick option to heat up in the staff kitchen at work, it tastes great and even counts towards your five-a-day.

UFIT Chocolate Protein Drink (RRP £2) is a high protein milkshake with no added sugar (the only sugar present is naturally occurring from the milk). It is designed to cater to mainstream heath-conscious consumers that are looking for a healthy alternative, rather then just "young guys that gym" ! Each bottle contains 22g of protein, along with added vitamins and minerals, and the good news is that it is low in fat, with the whole 310ml bottle providing 170 calories. That's not bad at all. It has a lovely chocolatey taste. Available at Tesco, ASDA, Morrison's, Boots and Holland & Barrett.

Another product range guaranteed to get the kids smiling ! : Fruit Bowl Unicorn Flakes / Juicy Yogurt Raisins / Strawberry Yogurt Flakes (RRP 3 x 49p). Packed with fruity goodness, they are as tasty as sweets and the kids wolfed them down ! Definitely worth buying as an alternative to crisps, sweets or biscuits when your kids are hungry. 

Kit Kat Senses (RRP 2 x 85p) in Hazelnut and Salted Caramel flavours are the bar form of the individual Kit Kat Senses sweets that we discovered in a Degustabox in May last year. They're delicious and this format is perfect if you want a little me-time or just don't like sharing !

Manilife Original Roast Crunchy Peanut Butter (RRP 59p - available in the box including alcohol) is made from the finest peanuts sourced from a single-estate in Argentina. It is described as naturally sweeter with a fat profile more akin to olive oil. Juliette gobbled up the whole lot on some toast and declared it delicious !

This is a great box for us and every single one of the products (except the tea, which will be gratefully received by a friend) got a warm reception. There are a few new brands, along with some old favourites, and the kids in particular really enjoyed getting involved in the testing. Lots of appreciative groans could be heard from the kitchen !

 A subscription to Degustabox costs £12.99 per month including delivery, with each box having a value of much more than that, but the great news is, I have a discount coupon code for you which means you'll get the first box for just £7.99 - enter code PKUFE at the checkout.

for more information :

Also now on Instagram @DegustaboxUK

Disclosure : We received the box in order to write an honest review. As a Degustabox blogger, I receive all of the products that go into the monthly boxes, but subscribers may not get exactly the same selection.


  1. A great looking box this month. Until you have tweens or teens, you don't realise just how important it is to have reasonably filling and reasonably healthy grab and go snacks available for children for the time between after school and dinner.

    1. Totally agree - I have no idea where they put it all ! lol

  2. Back to school!!! WOOOOOOO. My daughter would love the Nacho snack pack

  3. Oh wow great box here, full of delicious treats for the little ones
