Monday 2 September 2019

What's Cooking at The Madhouse? menu plan 2019 week #36

Summer is over which means it's back to work, back to school and back to menu-planning ! After the big disaster with the freezer, it still smells pretty rank so I've decided to live without a freezer this year. I have the little ice box at the top of the fridge which is good for a few essentials (mainly ice creams at the moment, as it's been so hot !) - I'll see how we get on. It just seems a waste forking out for a new freezer if we're moving back to the UK next year. I went shopping on Saturday - back to front to my usual way of menu planning (I usually write the plan before going shopping) so we'll see how it goes this week !


dinner - chicken & veg stir fry with noodles mixed in


dinner - flammekueche with salad


lunch - cheese pasties with mash & beans

dinner - something with mince but I'm not sure what yet - I'll see how I feel. It'll be either cottage pie (if there's lots of leftover mash - I haven't got used to downsizing my meals since Sophie moved off to college !), spaghetti bolognese or chilli con carne.


dinner - probably leftovers from yesterday but if it all got eaten, pork chops with baby corn & mangetout, plus some rice


dinner - grilled salmon topped with spices and pomegranate molasses for me, leftovers for the kids if there are any - if not they can have spaghetti with a jar of sauce. That way, I can have some of the pasta with the salmon if there's no rice left over from yesterday.


lunch - McDonald's or similar

dinner - twice baked potatoes with cheese, onions & beans mixed in, maybe some sausages too, depending on how hungry everyone is - hmmmm autumn is on the way which means I can start cooking comfort food again ! :)


lunch - chicken fillets, roast potatoes and veg with gravy - I may even make some stuffing too

dinner -  sandwiches or fridge clearout (there may well be some mini sausages, mini pasties and chicken nibbles, left over from our picnic lunch on the way back home last week)

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***



  1. Oh no! That is rubbish that the freezer is still smelly! Good luck with just the ice box.
    Great meal plan. I love the sound of the grilled salmon on Friday x

    1. Sophie hates fish so now that she's away,I'm planning on cooking more of it ! :)

  2. Sounds like another delicious week.

    I hope you're well and having a great week. Thanks for linking up! x

  3. Sorry to read that you have had to stop using the freezer. Hope the little freezer in your fridge does the trick for the time being.
    Had to read your flammekueche recipe to find out what it is. Very interesting! Thanks!

    1. Flammekueche is so quick and simple to throw together and the kids love it ! Fingers crossed the freezer box is enough - time will tell ! :)

  4. I love stir fry, shame about your fridge :(

  5. Bugger to the freezer problem! However your meal plan sounds delicious!
