Saturday 7 May 2011

RetarDEX Oral Spray review

When you run a reviews blog, you get offered all sorts of things to review. Some of them are really exciting and glamorous and brilliant fun and, well, some of them aren't ! Luckily, most of it comes from people who have never met you or seen a photo of you, otherwise you might start feeling a bit self-conscious when they offered you anti-wrinkle cream or diet products ! Well, computer screens don't have smelly-vision so I'm not taking it personally that I was offered some RetardEX breath freshener to review !

Joking aside, it seems that halitosis is a problem that most of the population will have to deal with at some point in their lives. According toRetardEX, 9 out of 10 of us suffer from bad breath at one time or another. Be honest - who's never kept a packet of Polos or minty chewing gum in their pocket to mask the odours of that garlic bread you ate at lunch or the stale taste of last night's curry !

But RetardEX does more than just mask the smell. They explain : "Even the cleanest mouth harbours odour-inducing Volatile Sulphur Compounds (VSC), which are constantly being produced by the natural breakdown of bacteria in the mouth. Ensuring you’ve properly brushed your teeth and used a mouthwash will help, but most mouthwashes merely mask odours with strong minty smells rather than destroying the problem-causing bacteria. RetarDEX however has a unique patented ingredient, which is clinically proven to break down and destroy these bacteria, leaving your breath smelling fresh."

RetardEX produce a range of products, including oral rinse, toothpaste and the oral spray that I received to review. It comes in a handy pocket-sized pump-action bottle that is perfect for keeping discreetly in your handbag or desk drawer. What I like is the fact that it delivers a blast of instant freshness without you chonking away on gum or trying to discreetly crunch up your minty sweets, which isn't always a good look in a professional situation. For me, as a teacher, for example, I try to avoid eating sweets or chewing gum because the kids aren't allowed to so it seems hypocritical to tell them off for doing it afterwards !

The spray is alcohol-free as well as sugar-free and has been developed by dental professionals so that the patented ingredient keeps working all day long. The great thing is knowing that you're not just masking the odour but fighting the bacteria that could cause tooth decay and gum problems, as well as smelly breath. I'm not a smoker or a coffee-drinker but I would think this would be a great confidence-booster if you want to instantly freshen your breath and get rid of nasty whiffs after your coffe/ciggie-break. Mine is in my desk drawer for whenever the need arises !

star rating : 4.5/5

RRP :  £2.99 for 10.4ml

 available from Boots and selected Sainsburys, Tesco, Waitrose, Booths, and all good pharmacies and dental surgeries

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  1. i am tempted to try this, i think it is a really good price, i was expecting it to be more!

  2. Debbie Davies9 May 2011 at 21:10

    I think i am gonna try this! I am always paranoid about my breath and the chance people might have a whiff of something nasty! I like the idea of the spray and like you said, its not always nice to be chomping on gum! Good price too! xx


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