Friday 15 July 2011

Woohoo I'm a Nick Jr Ambassador !

If you're the slightest bit observant, you'll have noticed a funky Dora the Explorer badge that appeared at the top of my sidebar a few weeks ago. It ties in with the fabulous "Help Dora Help" campaign that I blogged about here,  launched by Nick Jr a few weeks ago, which invites you to nominate your pre-school or nursery to win a grant of up to £20,000. Wow ! You could buy some fabulous equipment with that ! You can also request some brilliant Dora the Explorer activity packs for all your little learners to have fun with, exploring the world, using their imagination, solving problems and developing their sense of physical adventure. The closing date for nominations is 22nd July so don't miss out. I'll have an exciting exclusive interview with Nick Jr. presenter Helena Dowling coming up in a moment and, as she's on the judging panel for the Help Dora Help campaign, you might get a few pointers to help you win !

But that's not the only exciting news. Here at The Madhouse, we were over the moon to be picked to be a Nick Jr. ambassador - one of five official bloggers who will be bringing you news of all things related to Nick Jr. over the coming months. In fact, Sophie, Juliette and Pierre looked very much like Dora and Boots in the picture above when I told them (even if Pierre didn't understand what was going on - he was just copying his big sisters !).

And that was before they saw the amazing Nick Jr. goody bag that arrived to welcome us to the team ! Even Dora would have trouble fitting all this into her backpack !

This bag, which came with all the rest of the lovely Nick Jr. goodies, sums up the sentiment here at The Madhouse very well indeed !

Now, don't miss that fabulous interview with Helena Dowling coming up in my next post ...

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1 comment:

  1. Great post and congratulations on becoming a nick jr ambassador!! Looking forward to your posts :)
