Tuesday 13 September 2011

Kids' ipad app review : Hide, Run, Growl

We were recently sent a code to try out a new ipad ebook app called Hide, Run, Growl. Written by aspiring author and mother of two Fiona Treweeke and narrated by CBeebies presenter Sarah Jane Honeywell, it tells the story of a tiger cub who has to go hunting on his own for the first time when his mother hurts her paw

Young children - especially those heading off to school or nursery for the first time - will relate to this story of scary adventures in the big wide world and the cute pictures and bright colours will capture their attention.

But the app is designed to be educational as well as entertaining - or "edutaining" as they say ! It helps to reinforce and encourage young children's reading skills. In a very similar way to the LeapPad system of interactive books, you can choose "read to me" mode, where key words are highlighted, and "read it myself", where you have the option of clicking on any words you don't understand to help you on your way. 6-year-old Juliette loved the independence that this gave her and it really spurred her on, whereas she often gives up when she's hit on a few difficult words she doesn't recognise.

There are also two mini games to play featuring characters from the story - pairs and puzzles - which the Madhouse mini-testers enjoyed playing but soon got bored with once they'd gone through all the options. The only thing that could make the app even better would be the addition of little interactive animations (see my review of the Jack and the Beanstalk app (here), for example) which would add an element of surprise and make it more attractive to slightly older readers.

This is the first app to be released by Kid e-books and I'll definitely be looking out for the others. They're aimed at children aged 2-7, and Juliette and Pierre, who both fall into this age range, both really enjoyed playing (and learning) with the e-book.

star rating : 4.5/5

RRP : £1.49

for more information : http://www.kidestorybooks.com/

Other reviews you may be interested in :


  1. Just wanted to say thanks for this review and the Peppa Pig one - I have just downloaded both :)

  2. I am really interested in getting this ap after reading the review.

    I have a three year old nephew who is obsessed with iphones and having an app which is both entertaining and educational would be fantastic!

  3. Great that you are reviewing Ipad apps 'cause there are going to be loads of rubbish ones out there for children. Thanks save us lot buying a 'doo doo'

  4. I keep meaning to do a blogpost listing all our favourite free apps but I haven't had time yet ! One day very soon, hopefully !

  5. Great recommendation. Hide, Run, Growl is adorable. My kids love any animal books that are interactive. They really like the coloring book apps like http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/animals-coloring-book-by-thecolor.com/id449811135?mt=8
    Any books that encourage reading are great!
