Thursday 1 March 2012

Children's CD review : Justin Fletcher : Hands Up ... The Album

As soon as the Madhouse kids saw the picture on Justin Fletcher's new kids' CD that we were sent for review, they excitedly shouted "CBeeeeeeebiiiies" and asked if we could listen to it ! I've just spent an enjoyable hour or so giggling at them dancing around the room (2-year-old Pierre in particular got extremely excited and kept jumping up and down on the spot waving his arms around - give him twenty years and he'll be going to rave parties !).

The CD, called "Hands Up ... The Album", has a tracklisting comprising a very generous 20 songs, that you can see below. Most of them are classic kids songs so listeners are guaranteed to know at least a few of them, and there are also a couple of new creations.

1.Hands Up
2.The HokeyCokey
3.Music Man
4.The Sun Has Got His Hat On
5.The Grand Old Duke Of York
6.The Teddy Bear's Picnic
 7.Heads Shoulders Knees And Toes
8.Who's Afraid Of The Big Bad Wolf
9.The Laughing Policeman
10.Old MacDonald
11.Nellie The Elephant
12.Oh I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside
14.The Wheels On The Bus
15.If You're Happy And You Know It
16.Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush
17.Ten In A Bed
19.The Sailor's Lament
20.Justin's Lullaby

The songs are all recognisable to everyone who knows the old classics but have fun new backing music that sounds very upbeat (Sophie said it was techno music !) and can't fail to get kids - and maybe even the parents ! - jumping around and burning off some calories.

 I love the way that, just like the Bedtime Hour on CBeebies, it finsishes off with a nice calming lullaby that's perfect for getting everybody back into sensible mode after dancing like loonies and getting over-excited !

Hands Up ... The Album was originally due for release on 21st November but the launch was put back to Easter 2012 which is why Pierre looks younger and still has long hair in the photos because they're from before Christmas ! You can follow all Justin's news on his twitter account here and facebook page here.

You can have a sneaky peek at the first single, also called Hands Up, by watching the video below ! Let me know what you think !

star rating : 4/5

RRP : £8.99

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  1. Justin Fletcher singing with techno music sounds like my cup of tea, lol. My youngest Oliver would love this, so I think it would make a lovely little stocking filler

  2. I can't wait to get it! I ordered it back in November, but they keep putting the release date back and back again!

  3. My youngest would love this

  4. I heard today that its number 18 in the album chart and having read your review and knowing how much my two year old loves Justin I will be getting it this weekend!

  5. I heard today that its number 18 in the album chart and having read your review and knowing how much my two year old loves Justin I will be getting it this weekend!

  6. My son has responded great to dance music since the day after he was born. I think the modern sound will interest so many children.
