Friday 9 December 2011

Kids' app review : Under The Bed

We've been receiving lots of fun new apps to try out on the iPad lately, including some from American and Canadian producers which is always interesting. This time we tested Under The Bed, based on an award-winning short film of the same name, which I admit I hadn't heard of before.

Aimed at 5-12 year olds, the app is a tongue-in-cheek take on the "Mum, Dad, there's a monster under the bed" theme. As the app says : "There's a fine line between fantasy and reality, especially at bedtime on a dark and stormy night... and with these parents, that line can get a little hazy!" 

The interactive animation allows you to explore the different rooms, clicking on objets to make them do things, and watch the different scenes from the film. The humour reminds me of a slightly risqué South Park/The Simpsons mood and the girls thought it was funny - even if it could possibly scare those of a slightly nervous disposition who are still unsure whether monsters really exist or not ! As a parent, I have to admit to finding it quite funny too !

The app also has three mini games for you to play, based on the film. There's a maze game where you have to drag some scary-looking rats towards the exits (quite fiddly so great for practising hand-eye coordination and logic skills).

There's also a simple shoot-em-up game called Robot Defender and a pairs memory game called Monster Match, which even the younger players will enjoy (and won't get scared about).

Cartoon-fan tweens will love watching the humorous animations featuring the sadistic parents and sharing the unexpected twists in the tale with their friends. While the games are very simple, they're very playable and the kids have had fun with them, so all in all, it's not bad value at £1.99.

star rating : 4/5

RRP : £1.99

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