Sunday 15 July 2012

Sunday weigh-in : week #9 (not "obese" any more !!)

STILL TO GO : 14.6kg

I'm feeling really proud of myself this week. I was determined to eat healthily all week long and I did just that. That's not to say I didn't have the odd square of chocolate or slice of cake (I used Jo's utterly fab recipe for lemon drizzle cake again) but I calculated it into my Weight Watchers ProPoints and had just a tiny slice or one square of chocolate. The SlimPod is obviously working because that was all I wanted.

I've been ODing on vegetables and grilled/bake-in-the-bag chicken, as well as buying loads of fresh fruit so that it's there when I fancy nibbling something sweet. I've also been working my way through some KOT diet food that I won in a competition absolutely ages ago - cheese omelette, pancakes, chocolate mousse and vegetable soup, all in powdered form in sachets to be mixed with water in a shaker, and all of which come in at just 2 ProPoints (or about 100 calories). The cheese omelette has a strange texture but tastes lovely, the pancakes were so nice I made them for everyone including the kids and I'll try out the chocolate mousse next week. The vegetable soup doesn't appeal to me but I might try it. I wouldn't actually buy it because it costs a fortune but it's been good to try it.

So, I jumped on the scales this morning expecting to see a figure that would make me smile. And that's exactly what I got. This week I weigh 80.6kg which is 800g less than last week - almost a whole kilo! But - even more importantly - I checked my BMI and I have come down from 33.98 (which is obese) to 29.97 which is "only" overweight - OK, admittedly, it's only a hair's breadth on the right side, but that's good enough for me! That's a psychological biggie and is really motivating ! :) (In "old money" I now weigh 12 stone 9 and my start weight was 14 stone 5 - that's getting quite near the two stone mark !)

In honour of the occasion, I went through my wardrobe and had a huge declutter of all my fat clothes - 4 big bin bags full ! - which have all been deposited in the charity bin. That's another huge psychological step because I'm not hanging on to them "just in case the weight all piles back on", I'm turning the page and saying goodbye to the old me forever. I had a slight wobble that evening and panicked that I'd have nothing to wear if I did put all the weight back on, but I had a quick chat with the lovely Sandra from @ThinkingSlimmer on twitter and she just told me straight that I wouldn't. End of ! Now, I smirked the last time she was so sure of herself, but that was back in the beginning when I was totally sceptical that a 10-minute mp3 could have the slightest influence on your weight and she "informed" me that it would and that she loved proving sceptics wrong. Well, she was right and now I just totally believe whatever comes out of her mouth, so if she says the weight is gone for good, then I believe her !!

Don't forget to check out diet buddy Jane at 7hippopotamus to see how she got on this week. We should have a new member in our gang - the lovely @Morrighani who blogs at Ray Mears Extreme Housewifery wants to join in on our weekly weigh-ins so I can't wait to see how she did. If you'd like to join us, feel free to make yourselves known and we'll link through to your blogposts too.

Right, time to update my myfitnesspal counters below - that always makes me smile (on a good week anyway !)

Disclosure : I'm currently using a Thinking Slimmer SlimPod and a WeightWatchers Online subscription, in return for honest feedback. I also receive regular hampers of WeightWatchers products, and have also benefited from a one-month Jenny Craig trial.

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  1. Wooo! Congratulations, that's an amazing result this week and also a great milestone in your overall journey. Just goes to show you don't need to deprive yourself!

    1. Agreed, that's what is so great - I honestly don't feel like I'm putting in any effort which is brilliant ! :)

  2. Well done Cheryl, so, so pleased for you. xx

    1. Thanks - did you have a good week this week ? xx

    2. Sadly no, back to being a yo-yo. Fingers crossed for a good week. xx

  3. Well done - little steps is definitely the best way to go, and a great milestone for you :)

  4. That's a hefty loss. You must feel amazing when you get dressed, cinching in the waist! (Note to self... find the energy to start the diet) Well done, really pleased for you. xxx

  5. well done thats really good. I coulddo with some of your motivation!

    1. The weekly blogposts linking up with other bloggers trying to lose weight really help keep the motivation up actually :)

  6. Well done, I need to borrow some of your motivation!

    1. Do you want to join our "diet buddy" gang ? The more the merrier ! xx

  7. You are doing great! Ive tried so many diets and tbh I just can't manage to stick to any of them - as soon as I try to deny myself anything I crave it even more and end up bingeing - so I usually end up putting on weight instead of losing it!
    I've now decided that the only way I will ever hope to lose weight is upping my exercise levels - hence my purchase last week of wii-fit plus. I'm aiming right now for 15 mins of aerobic exercise a day - and keeping everything crossed I start to see my weight moving in the right direction!

    1. I think that's why I'm doing so well - with the slimpod/weightwatchers, you don't have to deprive yourself of anything. Everything is allowed, in sensible quantities :)

      Good luck and feel free to join in with our Sunday wiegh-ins :)

  8. brilliant weight loss keep up the hard work! x
