Thursday 4 April 2013

Rachel's Yogurt review

Rachel's recently sent me through a whole boxful of their decidedly tasty yogurts to try out. After rearranging the whole fridge to fit all the pots in, I was amused to see that it all disppeared very quickly because every single member of the Madhouse family loved both flavours and repeatedly picked them as the dessert of choice - even over chocolate mousse with Smarties, and that's saying something !

We received two varieties to try - Organic Fat Free Strawberry & Rhubarb and Organic Greek Style Coconut Yogurt.

We had actually already tried the Coconut one so you can read our in-depth review here. It was quite funny for me to reread that review because, the first time I tried it, I really thought I wouldn't like it, then found it absolutely delicious. It's lovely on its own, but also goes nicely with cereal or fruit. I've also tried it in yogurt cake and curry and both of those work really well too.

Strawberry and Rhubarb is a combination that I was quite dubious about before trying - I love both flavours but wasn't sure how well they'd work together. Rhubarb is quite acidic and sharp whereas strawberries are sweet. I found that you only get the merest hint of each flavour in the yogurt though, so they don't clash. It's nice straight from the pot but is also delicious served with fresh strawberries (or other fruit - raspberries, blackberries or blueberries would work well too).

As this is a fat-free yogurt, it's great for a light snack or dessert. 100g contains 78 calories, 13.9g of carbs (of which 13.7g sugar) and 0.1g of fat. Each 450g pot contains three servings (or the five bowls you can see above).

Rachel's have plenty of other flavours available for you (and me!) to try - Fat Free Peach & Passionfruit, Greek Style Ginger, Low Fat Lemon & Ginger, Low Fat Mango, Pineapple & Passionfruit and Low Fat Gooseberry sound the most intriguing to me.

star rating : 4.5/5

RRP : £1.75 for 450g

for more information :

Disclosure : We received some yogurts in order to write an honest review.

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  1. I love Rachel's !!They do an amazing Apple and Elderflower flavour too which is so yummy !! Would love to try the Greek Style Ginger though ! x

    1. Ooh sounds nice, I'll add it to my list of ones to look out for :)

  2. Love Rachels yogurt -if its fat free thats even better!
