Monday 1 April 2013

Sainsbury's Popcorn & Movie Afternoon !

Sainsbury's has recently launched a new range of popcorn, with three savoury flavours; Salt & Vinegar, Cheese & Chive and Smoked Paprika, and a sweet flavour; Sweet Apple & Cinnamon. They sent us through two bags to try out - we got Salt & Vinegar and Smoked Paprika - along with a Madagascar 3 : Europe's Most Wanted DVD to watch while we munched it. Things have been pretty hectic here lately so we haven't had a chance to watch it yet, so that was our Easter Sunday afternoon entertainment.

The Madhouse Mini-testers loved the popcorn so much that they even opted for that over an Easter egg. As he set up the DVD, Madhouse Daddy Mike asked them if they'd like one of their Easter chocolates at exactly the same moment as I walked in with the bags of popcorn - oops ! We gave them the choice and I think we were both surprised when they went for the popcorn !

We started with the Salt & Vinegar variety which has the strong, sharp flavour that you'd associate with eating salt & vinegar crisps. It seems weird at first eating something soft and squishy that your brain is telling you should be sharp-edged and crunchy but you soon get used to it. The Smoked Paprika was another bold flavour and one that got a unanimous thumbs-up. 

Looking at the paprika flavour bag, 1/3 of a 75g pack (that's a reasonable bowlful) contains 120 calories, 6.5g of fat (of which 0.5g saturated), 1.2g of sugars and 0.74g of salt. I've just looked at the calories in a 25g bag of crisps (Walkers Ready Salted) and they contain 131 calories and 8g of fat, so the popcorn is slightly better but there's not a huge amount in it.

The film got a great reception too. This third episode follows Alex the lion and his friends taking Europe by storm, making friends with the animals in a travelling circus and being chased by some French animal control officers who had even the grown-ups giggling. It's a great storyline with really vibrant colours and a cracking soundtrack - Juliette and Pierre got up and boogied when Katy Perry's Firework came on ! - and some gags that target the grown-ups more than the kids. It's a lovely feel-good movie that the whole family enjoyed.

Disclosure : As part of Sainsbury's Family Blogger Network, we received two bags of popcorn and a Madagascar 3 DVD in order to write an honest review.

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