Thursday 4 July 2013

Amoy Chinese Barbecue Sticky Glaze review

I often receive jars or sachets of cooking sauces and seasoning mixes to review so I love the fact that whenever I open the cupboard in search of inspiration for something new and exciting, but also quick and simple, to rustle up for dinner, I have a wide choice of exotic dishes to pick from. Last night, I'd defrosted some turkey fillets and gave Madhouse Daddy the choice between Mexican, Indian, Cantonese, Szechuan or Italian. He had a rummage and opted for this sachet of Amoy Chinese Barbecue Sticky Glaze.

I'd been planning on using this on chicken thighs and wasn't sure how well it would work with turkey fillets but I decided to give it a go. I emptied the contents of the squishy pouch and discovered a richly coloured, thick sauce.

I stirred it into the meat, making sure that all the pieces had a lovely covering of the thick sauce, added some chopped onions and put the whole thing in the oven for 40 minutes.

As I often find sauces containing soy sauce to be very salty, I hadn't added any other seasoning to the turkey and I actually thought that it could have done with a bit more salt, to be honest. It gave the meat a lovely flavour which I couldn't really define but it's unmistakably Chinese. It didn't make the meat particularly sticky or gooey but I think these sorts of glazes are better suited to meat on the bone. The turkey fillet pieces gave off too much liquid which diluted the sauce and prevented it from making a sticky glaze. It was still very nice though, served with rice and salad.

Each pouch contains enough for four servings and 1/4 pouch contains 84 calories, 1.2g of fat (of which 0.1g saturates), 17.6g of carbs (of which 15.9g sugars) and 0.6g of salt.

It's great as a shortcut when you need a meal in a hurry.

star rating : 4/5

RRP : £1.49 for 180g

Disclosure : We received the product in order to write an honest review.

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