Thursday 4 July 2013

Children's book review : Rescuing Gus - Melissa Wareham

Melissa Wareham loves dogs, which is just as well because she works at Battersea Dogs' Home ! One day, one of the thousands of dogs to pass through its doors really touches her heart - a scruffy old husky mongrel who has been brought in because his owner has been sent to prison. As most people looking for a rescue dog want a puppy or young dog, the chances of this rather elderly dog finding a new home are slim, so Melissa can't help herself and ends up adopting him herself. She has no idea what his name is so gives him a new one : Gus.

Gus is a lovely dog, despite going mental whenever there's a thunderstorm, so everyone he comes into contact with can't help but fall in love with him, even if they don't have a good track record with dogs. It's not all plain sailing and anyone who has ever owned a dog will chuckle when they read some of the mishaps that Melissa's new four-legged friend causes. I'll never look at a hearing aid the same way again !

The book is published by Random House Children's and targets readers aged 7+, but even as a grown-up, I loved it. It's a simple read (I read it in two days) that is by turns heartwarming and poignant. It's a great way of gently introducing children to the fact that their beloved pets will eventually grow old and pass away, and reminded me slightly of Marley & Me in this respect. The colour photos in the middle of the book make it even more appealing - you can't fail to be touched by Melissa's endearing account of the time she shared with Gus.

star rating : 4.5/5

RRP : £5.99

  • Paperback: 170 pages
  • Publisher: Red Fox (25 April 2013)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1849418179
  • ISBN-13: 978-1849418171

Disclosure : I received a review copy of the book.

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