Thursday 11 July 2013

Fresh Gourmet Blogger Challenge

As Hannibal always used to say in The A-Team, "I love it when a plan comes together" ! Fresh Gourmet recently got in touch, to ask me to take part in a blogger challenge to use their products in new and inspiring recipes. They sent me through some Sea Salt & Cracked Black Pepper Croutons, some Crispy Onions, some Cheese & Garlic Croutons and some Basil Pesto Ciabatta Croutons and asked me to come up with an exciting way of incorporating them into a salad. As you may have noticed in my earlier blogpost, I received three different salads in this week's veg box and went investigating the different varieties of lettuce on offer in the UK (over 60 - can you believe it?!) so this was perfect timing.

Armed with my new salad knowledge, my fridge full of lettuce and my trusty Fresh Gourmet products, I have been coming up with some rather exciting salad recipes over the last few days. The great thing has been seeing that the kids love them too. (Juliette and Pierre won't eat the lettuce but they do eat the rest of the salad ingredients, so that's not bad !)

What's been interesting is that everyone has their own personal faves when it comes to the croutons. I love the Cheese & Garlic ones, Madhouse Daddy prefers the Basil Pesto ones and the Madhouse Mini Testers prefer the plainer Sea Salt & Cracked Black Pepper ones, which they eat straight out of the packet like crisps !

I have therefore been serving the salads without adding croutons, I put all of the different packets on the table and everyone adds their own personal touch to finish off their salad at the very last minute. This actually makes the kids get excited about salad being on the menu, which is great !

Here are some of the Madhouse salad recipes that we've tried this week - click through for the full recipes.

Sunshine Cod & Mango Salad

Disclosure : I received some Fresh Gourmet products in order to participate in the Fresh Gourmet Blogger Challenge.

Other blogposts you may be interested in :

Did you know that there are over 60 varieties of lettuce and salad leaves grown in the UK ?!

Madhouse recipe : Quick Meatball Couscous

1 comment:

  1. They're all pretty good, but pesto flavoured are my favourites, I could just munch them by a handful. Looking forward to your ideas.
