Tuesday 2 July 2013

Madhouse Recipe : Strawberry Drizzle Cupcakes

You may remember that last week I came home from the farmers' market laden down with - ahem - "a few" strawberries ! Well, this was how we used up the last punnet - Strawberry Drizzle Cupcakes. This is a twist on Jo's Fab Fruity Lemon Drizzle Cake that I posted a while ago and that has been used with a variety of fruits since. I always make it as a cake though, so this time, we decided to go for individual cupcakes.

 Strawberry Drizzle Cupcakes

ingredients :

175g margarine
175g golden caster sugar
1 pot of yogurt
3 free range eggs
200g self-raising flour
300g of strawberries
icing sugar & water for icing

Cream together the margarine and sugar. Mix in the eggs and yogurt and gradually add the flour.

I added some pomegranate & rose cordial, just to give it a bit more oomph, but this can be left out if you haven't got any.

Mix in all those lovely fresh strawberries.

Juliette started laying out the cake cases on baking trays rather than muffin tins. In hindsight, this was a bad move because they didn't keep their shape so well.

After ten minutes in the oven, they were very misshapen but still tasted lovely !

I decided to try out a sachet of strawberry flavoured icing sugar that was hiding in my baking cupboard. I mixed some with a spoonful of water to make some delicately flavoured icing to drizzle over the top.

The strawberry pieces make the cakes really moist and sweet. Judging by the speed with which they have been disappearing, they get the Madhouse seal of approval !

Link up your recipe of the week

Other blogposts you may be interested in :

What to do with a crateload of strawberries?


  1. These look absolutely delicious, and the recipe looks to be pretty simple too. Thanks.

  2. These look a bit too gorgeous... Might have to give them a whirl!

  3. they look gorgeous, may just have to try them, babg goes the diet.... again lol

  4. They look absolutely lovely!! And we have loads of strawberries in the garden, so I need to try this recipe!

  5. These look scrummy. We may give these a go when my god daughter next comes over :)

  6. These look wonderful! Thank you for sharing! ay have a go at baking these myself at the weekend and eat them in the garden!

  7. there lovley strawberry flavoured icing sugar well i didnt know they did that !

    1. We have lemon and chocolate flavour too ! :)

  8. These look yummy1 A great recipe to try out with my two kiddos.

  9. These look yummy,I love cupcakes
