Tuesday 2 July 2013

Vegesentials Beetroot, Kiwi & Carrot Smoothie review

We recently received some Beetroot, Kiwi & Carrot Smoothies to review from a brand called Vegesentials, described in the accompanying press release as "a ground breaking raw fruit and vegetable drink brand set to redefine the UK’s juice and smoothie market" and "the healthiest drink brand on supermarket shelves". 

That's some pretty huge claims to make but they do seem to have the stats to back it up : 

- Higher raw vegetable ratio than any other fruit and vegetable blend juices/smoothies (at least 50%)
- More naturally occurring nutrients than all lead fruit or vegetable drink brands – Natural sources of Vitamins A, C, Iron, Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium and Phosphorus
- Up to 25% less calories and 35% less natural sugar than leading fruit juice brands
- Up to 27% less calories and 22% less natural sugar than leading fruit smoothie brands
- Premium raw taste & quality with average pH of 4.4 while fruit only drinks have a pH of 3.5 or less

All Vegesentials drinks are 100% pure, fresh and raw. The Beetroot, Kiwi & Carrot Smoothie contains 50% fresh fruit and 50% fresh veg - that's it, so the ingredients list is reassuringly short and natural : Carrot (26%), Mango, Beetroot (19%), Pear, Apple, Parsnip, Kiwi (4%) and Spinach. (So shouldn't it be called Carrot, Mango & Beetroot Smoothie instead ?!)

Well, we all had a little taste and I'm surprised to say, Pierre was the one who liked it most. It has a totally fresh, natural flavour - this is exactly what a homemade fruit & veg smoothie would taste like - and you just know it's packed full of goodness. The strongest flavours to come through were the beetroot and carrot. Although not unpleasant, it's not something I'd drink all day but I would drink one, maybe in the morning, to pack all the healthy vitamins into my diet.

I love the way that Pierre always ends up with a red moustache when he drinks some. Remember the "Got milk?" adverts? This is more "got your 5-a-day?" !

Vegesentials is leading the charge as the first predominantly vegetable drink to use non thermal high pressure pasteurization (HPP), ensuring all nutrients and vitamins are retained. The range contains up to 35% less natural sugar than traditional fruit juices and the calorie count ranges between 85-120 calories per 250ml bottle, in comparison to other fruit based smoothies which have on average 110-178 calories.

The complete range includes Beetroot, Pomegranate & Carrot Juice, Beetroot, Banana & Carrot Smoothie, Beetroot, Kiwi & Carrot Smoothie, Carrot, Mango & Parsnip Smoothie and Celery, Apple & Kale Juice, all available in 250ml or 750ml bottles.

star rating : 4/5

RRP : £1.59 for 250ml

for more information : http://www.vegesentials.co.uk

Disclosure : We received the product on order to write an honest review.

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the review. A very healthy smoothie! I like the fact that it contains less sugar and calories.
