Saturday 13 July 2013

Summer holiday diaries : Don't mention the war !

Well, today we had a plan. We headed off to the beach again because there was supposed to be a balloon sculpting class going on and the girls wanted to have a go. Except when we arrived at the tourist office (the meeting point), they had no idea what I was talking about. I showed them in the What's On? guide for July and she said "oh yes, you're right, well no, they're definitely not here. Sorry about that." OK ... time for a rethink. 

Well, first, the girls went climbing over the rocks and streams in the little public garden opposite the beach. Pierre was asleep in the pushchair again !

Juliette went rolling down the hill !

The kids wanted to head back to the play area in the sand, even though we'd only been there two days before ! Sophie had fun burying her feet !

Pierre invented a new sport - sand-swimming !

Juliette made sand angels.

Pierre boinged around on a bee.

Then we jumped on the free shuttlebus (or baby bus, as Pierre called it) down to the end of the prom, away from all the tourists.

We started walking across the dunes but it was hard going with the pushchair so we've decided to come back another day on the bus (rather than a 4km walk to the beach) so that I can leave the pushchair at home.

There were lots of interesting plants to look at - is this sea-thistle ?

Juliette said "Mum, I've buried my shoes and can't find them". I laughed ... then realised she wasn't joking, she was being deadly serious. Ten minutes and a lot of excavating later, the girls managed to find them again.

We had a look at the World War II bunkers on the beach but didn't go in them because (1) they're a bit dangerous now and (2) they smell of wee because kids go in them to drink beer !

There are lots of traces of the war along this end of the beach actually. It's quite freaky to think of all the destruction and bloodshed that took place on this stretch of beautiful beach.

Today, luckily, there are no tanks or machine guns - just some kitesurfers and a few dogwalkers.

Oh, and some overexcited kids running up and down the sand dunes !

We walked 8km (5 miles) in total so I said we'd get the bus back. Juliette made me laugh by swinging around the bar and telling me she was pole-dancing - I asked her how she knew about that, something she'd seen on TV apparently ! Eeeek !

We'll be having a quieter weekend because on Saturday, Pierre has a birthday party to go to and on Sunday, we're all off to a birthday barbecue, but we'll be back with more adventures next week !

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

Other blogposts you may be interested in :

Summer holiday diaries : A quiet day at home


  1. Fab photos again, Cheryl! Our plan for today is to have a BBQ in the evening. Our Aussie friend will be the boss. He certainly knows how to do it.

  2. Great photos. Looks like a lovely way to spend the day. I popped over from CountryKids.

  3. Well despite the disappointment of not being able to take part in the balloon sculpture class it looks like you all had a fab day. I love the photos of the children having so much fun and the fact that you have so many interesting things to explore along the beach. Thanks for sharing your fun family day out with Country Kids.
