Friday 12 July 2013

What's Cooking at The Madhouse next week ? menu plan 12/7

On to week two of the school holidays ! Last week was a week full of salads and I was surprised to see that the kids really got into them too, so I'll be trying to get some more of those into the week's menu plan, especially as they're a great way of using up leftovers and dead easy to throw together !


lunch - maybe McDonalds as we haven't been for a couple of weeks - the kids can play in the soft play, then Pierre's off to his first ever birthday party !

dinner - Creamy Salmon Romanesco Broccoli Bake - I've found a recipe I like the sound of so fingers crossed it comes out nice !


lunch - This week, we're off to a friend's house to celebrate his birthday. I have no idea what we're eating but I would guess at a barbecue.

dinner - we'll still be stuffed from lunchtime


lunch - Spaghetti Carbonara with Leeks, Bacon, Mushrooms, Crème Fraîche & Cheese - and maybe a side salad to make it a bit more diet friendly !

dinner - Chicken & Veg Biryani


lunch - Pork Chops with Apple & Cranberry Stuffing and Mushroom, Pea & Onion Risotto

dinner - a salad of some decription - maybe just lettuce, tomatoes & cucumber topped with crispy bacon, mushrooms & onions - we've started getting beautifully fresh eggs from one of Madhouse Daddy's colleagues (the yolks are so yellow !) so I might boil and slice some of those too


lunch - fishfingers with spicy potatoes wedges and baked beans

dinner - slow-cooked Chicken Chasseur with mash 


lunch - spicy kofta meatballs with couscous (hopefully with raisins or apricots this time, if Madhouse Daddy found them in the supermarket !)

dinner - puff-pastry sausagemeat parcels with salad


lunch - Spanish chicken with rice or boiled baby potatoes

dinner - I have an idea for homemade bread layered with different savoury ingredients like goats' cheese, cherry tomatoes and olives before being baked - not entirely sure how it'll work out yet because it will depend partly on what's in the fridge by the end of the week !

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***


  1. The salmon and brocolli bake sounds great!

  2. Loving this weeks selection, good old mix there.

  3. Fab menu! Have you tried making a tear and share? Make the dough as normal, roll it out square and put your filling across the top, a bit like a pizza. I like spreading cheese, ham and pineapple. Or roasted vegetables and basil (that sort of thing) You then roll it up, like a Swiss roll. Then cut into slices. Put them cut side down into a round cake tin. Leave it to prove for the second time, then bake. Delicious! The fillings are endless.

    1. Ooh I love the sound of that - definitely one to try, thanks for sharing :)
