Friday 7 February 2014

What's cooking at The Madhouse? menu plan 7/2/14

It's a busy week next week with two parent-teacher evenings meaning that I won't be home until about 9pm on those nights. There's no way I'll be cooking up a big meal then so it'll be something quick - frozen ready meals or soup probably, if there are no leftovers !

lunch - Herbes de Provence marinated chicken thighs with Dauphinoise Potato Bake & ratatouille - we ended up going to McDonalds after the school open day last week so I'll put this back on the menu plan as it didn't get made last week !

dinner - homemade soup and cheese toasties 


lunch - Madhouse Nanny & Grandad (and auntie) are coming for the day so a traditional roast dinner plus birthday cake for Juliette is on the cards

dinner - leftover soup or porridge if anyone's hungry


dinner - Tartiflette (baked potatoes, bacon and onions with a whole reblochon cheese on top, baked in the oven)

dinner - hopefully leftovers - if not, a can of soup and some toast


lunch - pasta bake

dinner - something in the slow cooker - maybe BBQ pulled pork? - so that there will hopefully be leftovers tomorrow night


dinner - hopefully leftovers, if not ... a sandwich or whatever Madhouse Daddy finds in the freezer !


dinner -  Cheesy Chicory Bake - ham-wrapped endives (chicory) in a cheese sauce

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***

Meal Planning Monday

Want to see what everyone else is eating ? Head over to Meal Planning Monday at Mrs M's blog !

Other blogposts you may be interested in :


  1. Mondays dinner looks deicious! My be pinching elements of that idea x
