Wednesday 4 June 2014

Like Love Loathe linky - 4/6/14

It's Wednesday which means another chance to look back over the highs and lows of the past week. (Actually, I've just noticed it's posted on a Tuesday - oops ! - I'll have to move it forward a day !). This week, the linky is being hosted on Sarah's Life In A Break Down blog while Bex is on holiday - jealous ? Me ?! So what's been hot or not this week?

LIKE - Globecooking

I love travelling, but when you've got kids and work commitments and a restricted budget, travelling to exotic locations isn't always possible. I've signed up to a monthly globe-cooking box which has given us the chance to travel gastronomically instead which is almost as good ! Last month's destination was Spain and we tucked into tapas, cuttlefish ink paella and white gaspacho - slightly strange but that's the whole point really ! Next month is Vietnam - wish me luck !

LOVE - Catching up with the family

The Madhouse grandparents haven't been able to come over for their traditional monthly visit so we decided to go and pay them a visit for the day instead ! Thanks to the magic of the Channel Tunnel, we can get from one country to the other in just half an hour, which meant we saved an hour each way compared to the ferry. It's just a shame it's so much more expensive. By leaving home at 8am, we were sitting in my family home by 10.30am (with the hour's difference) ! We packed loads in, stocking up on a big food shop at Tesco's, tucking into fish & chips and even having wheelbarrow races up and down the garden, before heading back home in time for the kids' bedtime ! Magic !

LOATHE - People spoiling it for others

You may have noticed all my recent posts about our new hobby, geocaching. We've only been doing it for about the last month but I've already discovered several trashed caches - I can understand (kind of) people, probably kids, stealing the little toys and treasures out of the boxes if they stumble across them, but I'm talking about the ones who steal the boxes or rip up the log books and scatter them around on the ground. What is the point ? I was gutted to see that one of the local geocachers put a message on the geocaching site today to say that he's had enough of people wrecking his caches so he's removing the whole lot. I understand where he's coming from but it's a real shame - that spoils it for everyone else.

If you fancy joining in or having a nosey at what everyone else has been liking, loving and loathing this week, head over to Life In A Break Down.

Other blogposts you may be interested in :

Like, Love, Loathe Linkie - 21/5/14

Scam alert : The phone call from Microsoft

1 comment:

  1. I like the sound of the globe trotting food box, what a great idea. What a lovely LLL :-) x
