Friday 6 February 2015

What's Cooking at The Madhouse? menu plan 6/2

I've been asked to give the new Dukan 2 diet a go and see what I think. I'm still not totally sold on the idea but it's much less restrictive than the original method so I'll see how it goes for a week and take it from there. It starts on a Monday and a new food group is added back in every day - it all sounds a bit confusing at the moment but I'm sure it'll get easier as I work it all out !


lunch - lots of running around picking up the girls' new glasses and Juliette's birthday present so probably a quick trip to McDonald's - salmon salad for me

dinner - homemade soup


lunch - raclette with friends for Juliette's birthday

dinner - leftovers, bagel or soup

Monday (protein day)

dinner -  spaghetti carbonara (with konjac noodles for me and normal spaghetti for everyone else) (with leftover cured meat from yesterday's raclette, onion, yogurt or low fat crème fraîche) - no fruit allowed today (boohoo !) so 0% flavoured yogurt for dessert

Tuesday (protein + veg day)

dinner - Brazilian meatballs with grilled tomatoes, onions and red peppers

Wednesday (protein + veg + fruit)

lunch - steak with salad (& chips for the kids & Madhouse Daddy)

dinner - chicken ham omelette & fruit for dessert

Thursday (bread allowed)

dinner - egg & bacon bread baskets with tomato salad

Friday (cheese allowed)

dinner - soup & cheese on toast

(if you're intrigued now, Saturday is carbs day and Sunday is feast day - all food groups are allowed)

(It all sounds remarkably easy and tasty, in theory - time will tell !)

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***

Meal Planning Monday

Want to see what everyone else is eating ? Head over to Meal Planning Monday at Mrs M's blog !