Wednesday 27 May 2015

Globe-cooking recipe : Pierogi (Poland)

All this week I'm on  a work trip to Poland - our school is one of the partners in a big European project about sport as a vector of integration so we've headed back to Gdynia for the second and final time. Yesterday, I got my first taste of Poland at the airport when we tucked into these pierogi. They're a bit like ravioli without a tomato sauce and when we met up with the Polish delegation later on, I asked one of the girls how you make them. She gave me her mum's recipe !

You can make different fillings - as well as these meat ones, there are versions with cheese and potato, potato and cabbage, mushrooms...


ingredients :

(makes  about 30)

2 cups flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon melted butter
1 cup sour cream
1 egg
1 tablespoon vegetable oil

filling :

ground beef (more finely ground than mince, maybe more like sausage meat)
salt, pepper, garlic/onion salt
finely shredded cabbage

Mix the flour and salt. In a separate bowl, whisk together the melted butter, sour cream, egg and oil. Stir into the flour until it makes a dough, cover with a teatowel and set aside for 20 minutes while you make the filling.

Cook the finely minced onion and cabbage with the ground meat, remove excess liquid, season and leave to cool.

Separate the dough into two balls. Roll out and cut into circleswith a cookie cutter. Brush a little water around the edges of the circles and put a tablespoonful of filling in the middle. Fold over and press to seal the edges. (They can be frozen at this stage if you've made too many.)

Drop them one at a time into a pot of boiling salted water. When they float to the top, they are ready.

Some people like to cook them in a frying pan in butter once they have been boiled.

STOP PRESS ! : Later in the trip, we visited a restaurant that specialises in pierogi so you can discover lots more variants, including dessert pierogi, here.

*** Don't miss my country-by-country globecooking recipe index ! ***

Fancy trying out some more Polish cuisine? How about Bigos or Golabki?

Cuddle Fairy

Dragons and Fairy Dust


  1. Sounds tasty! I have an old friend from my uni days who is Polish, so I'll be bookmarking this one to try out the next time he comes over for dinner - thanks Cheryl! :)

    1. I should have a few more Polish recipes to come too :)

  2. Sounds awesome and easy for me to do as a veggie dish with quorn as well

  3. Sounds awesome and easy for me to do as a veggie dish with quorn as well

    1. Definitely - cheese & potato works well too, or garlic mash

  4. I love anything like this so will definitely be having a go. I saw a recipe one for a sweet version with bilberries in, got to give that a go too! :)

    1. Yes, we tried the apple and cherry ones too (but it's not the same pastry - more like shortcrust) - there are pictures in the link at the bottom in the stop press bit :)

  5. I love pierogies! I wonder if I can make these with a GF dough. Challenge! #FoodPornThursdays

    1. Should be possible - let me know how you get on :)

  6. We love pirogies! I haven't tried making them myself yet but I will have to rectify that :) #foodpornthursdays

    1. same here - I discovered them in Poland and can't wait to introduce them to the rest of the family

  7. I've had these before with a Polish family I used to babysit for. They are quite tasty.
    Fionnuala from

  8. I'd seen Pierogis on TV so recommended that my parent's tried them when they visited Poland last year - they were not disappointed and said they were delicious. Thanks for sharing the recipe, I'd love to make these to remind them of their holiday!

  9. I was in a relationship with an Italian guy once...he begged me to try to make these...I failed miserably. Maybe I will try again. Thanks for linking up with #foodpornthursdays

    1. Hopefully the relationship didn't fail because of the pierogi ! lol

  10. oooh these look interesting, I think my son would like them, Thanks for linking up to #regionalrecipes
