Friday 6 May 2016

Globecooking recipe : Whisky Marmalade Glazed Carrots (Ireland)

I'm not keen on marmalade and I hate whisky, so when I saw the recipe for Whisky Marmalade Glazed Carrots in my Irish-themed Kitchen Trotter box, I inwardly groaned. I'm willing to try anything once though, so I decided to give them a go, and they were actually very nice, with a very subtle marmalade tang coming through to bring out the sweetness of the carrots.

The recipe required two ingredients from the box - whisky marmalade and Irish spice mix (which is a blend of white pepper, garlic, fennel, chilli, rosemary and thyme).

Whisky Marmalade Glazed Carrots

ingredients :

500g carrots 
20g butter
3tsp whisky marmalade
1tsp Irish spice mix 
a pinch of nutmeg
1tsp sugar
salt and pepper
fresh parsley to garnish

The recipe card suggested using baby carrots but I had big ones so I just chopped them into chunks. Boil them in salted water for ten minutes until tooth tender.

Drain them then put them back in the pan, along with the butter, marmalde, nutmeg and Irish spices. Cook until the butter has melted, stirring to coat the carrots in the mixture. Add the sugar and cook for 3 more minutes on a high heat. Season with salt and pepper and sprinkle over some fresh parsley.

I served the carrots with bangers and mash and some very flat Yorkishire puddings - like macarons, they are my nemesis and a guaranteed fail, for some reason ! (If you haven't already had a laugh at my totally failed macarons, please do feel free !)

*** Click through to see my country-by-country globecooking recipe index ! ***

If you want to try some more Irish recipes, how about Dublin Coddle, Boiled Bacon & CabbageIrish Stew or Baileys Cheesecake?


  1. These look lovely - & I'm with you on the yokshires, just can't get them right!

    1. They're so simple to make so I really don't know what the problem is ! lol
